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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Big Brother Season 2 Part 5

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*Part 5*

Previously on Big Brother... A Void Critter Showdown pitted two allies as the last two standing. Alex & Kala both played pretty low key games so far so either of them as HoH would surely make waves in the house. Alex beats Kala and becomes the next HoH. Everyone in the house was worried, because Alex has maintained a relationship with all of the remaining houseguest and it could be literally anyone going up.

Alex set her sights on taking out her biggest threat in the house, Kala, who's game has been very similar to hers. Alex didn't want to make the mistake of leaving her in too long and giving her the chance to strike first... Though these girls have both been in alliances together, their allegiance has never been to each other as they seem to be fighting to become Diego's Number One.

With her pawn, Irving, pulling himself off the block, Alex's plan to take out Kala wasn't looking as solid, and she gets cold feet. Alex shelved her plans for a later date, unsure of how the votes would fall... But she wasn't going to let her HoH go to waste, there was a big target left in the house that everyone wanted out.. This would surely gain her brownie points with everyone.

And so, it was the competition beasts time to go. Naomi was unanimously evicted after being backdoored, and that marked the end of the Original Power Alliance in the house. With her out, the majority now have to take shots at each other.. Who will be the next person evicted? Find out now on Big Brother!!

For the next HoH, the houseguests randomly select 3 gifts. The price point of each gift they obtain will be added to their total and the person with the highest dollar amount will be the winner! Is Diego going to win his 3rd HoH in row?! He does have a lot of luck when it comes to these competitions.

Sadly for him, he does not win HoH... But his close friend in the house does. Kala, shaken by last week, pulls out an HoH Win. Alex is not happy about it because she took a shot at her last week and it didn't land. She knows she's in trouble.

Kala wants to be the last girl standing. It seems to be her strategy going into this week. Because Alex came after her last week, she returns the favor and puts Cassie up as a pawn.

Kala has an outstanding relationship with the guys in the house and has worked very hard to get on their good side. Much like Alex, Kala wants to use the guys to further her game. They really are playing the same game and it's interesting how they both want to take each other out because of it.

Alex is very upset at herself for missing her shot at Kala last week. It really put her in a predicament because she never intended on becoming a target in the house. She was sure she could just make moves behind the scenes until the Final Week.

Cassie has also done a great job of charming the pants off of the guys. Her relationship with Tommy is great and with Guy, it's probably the strongest alliance in the house.. They could possibly have a Final 2.

Diego and Irving are selected for the PoV Comp, which could really help Kala if they win, Kala has strong relationships with both guys, so a win on this side could mean she keeps both girls on the block... Either of them going home would drastically improve Kala's game. Potential Big Move for Kala.

Knowing that she is in sure danger, Alex pulls out the win in the Treadmill Endurance Veto Competition and ensures her safety from eviction this week!! Just like last week, Alex has now ruined Kala's plans to take a shot at her, forcing her to name a replacement nominee. This rivalry is getting pretty messy for their games.

Horrible for her game, Kala had to put up Irving as a pawn. Kala has been nurturing her relationship with Irving behind the scenes as a backup alliance and this could definitely ruin that for her.

Irving was very upset to be lied to and now realizes that he is on the bottom of the totem pole to her and the rest of the people in the house. He feels so betrayed. The house see's this confrontation and it is awful for Kala.

Cassie starts playing hard as the war between Kala & Alex is at the forefront. She is the main person going out of her way to pull in Tommy as a number. She see him as a very valuable tool in the coming weeks and will use her feminine charms to do it if she has to. She just needs to be careful Guy doesn't catch her doing this.

Tommy has become a very valuable player in the game. He has stayed neutral the entire season and has yet to pick a side. This means who could definitely swing the game in the favor of whoever he sides with. So for Cassie to push hard for him could mean a lot for her future in this game and her allies.

It's time for the vote and eviction. This week, Kala looked to get revenge on Alex after she took a shot at her last week. But sadly for her, her plans met the same fate. Alex pulled herself off the block., and with no other choice, she had to compromise an alliance in the house. This is when Irving realized he was at the bottom of her list, even though she had been telling him otherwise.

As the last remaining link to the other side of the house, Irving was shown the door. It was a unanimous vote of 4 to 0 and it was heartbreaking that Kala lied to him, backdoored by the one person who he thought was his closest ally left in the house. Kala played him hard and she really messed up her game this week because of it. With Alex winning Veot, Kala's week as HoH did a lot more harm than good and she lost a close ally on her own HoH.. That's what happens when you have your hands in all of the cookie jars, eventually you're gonna get caught.

Alex is very content with how this week played out. Not only did she get a Veto Win, but she ruined Kala's credibility with the house and forced her to put up her side alliance member who exposed her for being shady behind the scenes. This HoH really hurt her rival a lot. Big Move by Alex. Only 6 Sims Remain, and Irving joins Naomi in the Jury!! Who's going to go home next?! Stay tuned for more!!


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