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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Big Brother Season 1 Part 1

*You Can Click Above For The Next Part!!*

*Warning: This series will include some Adult Themes and Language not suitable for All Ages. If you are under the age of 14, I do not suggest reading this without permission!*

*MEET THE HOUSEGUESTS!! Click Their Faces*

*Quick Disclaimer: This Season was a very long time ago, 2015 I believe. Back then there were hardly any expansions and the game was still pretty new. Things have changed so much since then, so if this Season isn't as dramatic and exciting as you expect to see today, that's why. I honestly think for what it was, this was a great season, especially considering it was a smaller cast. So I hope you enjoy it for what it is. The drama definitely gets crazier as I develop my Big Brother Game more and more. Also, the introduction of mods and game packs later on bring the drama to another level in later seasons. Hope you enjoy Season 1: The Originals!! PS- Some of the Screenshots have been Dramatized for the blog, I didn't have a ton of Screenshots from Season 1 but everything that happens did happen autonomously in the game. If you are curious to see how my older seasons played, then feel free to read this one, but I suggest reading Season 8 First, it's much more exciting and gives you an idea of how the game actually goes today.*

Season 1 was an experiment with the newly added Locked Door System. I wasn't willing to play Big Brother until that feature was finally added to the game. After a long grueling wait, my prayers were answered and it was time to kick off Big Brother in The Sims 4 for the first time. I did a similar series in Sims 3 but it was a little different than Big Brother. In that game, they were fighting for their lives rather than a prize. It featured Death Competitions where the Bottom 2 or 3, voted by their peers, were forced to compete in challenges that push them to the brink of death. This time, I wanted a more realistic feel to my Game Show Challenge. The Sims 4 featured a new mood system that really got me excited for a true to life Big Brother Challenge because The Sims finally had personalities. 

 The first Big Brother house had humble beginnings. As you can see, It just looks like a normal house and I hadn't realized yet that having a lot of activities was keeping the sims from socializing as much as I'd like them too.

 The downstairs bedroom was pretty simple and not as luxurious as later seasons, but it did the trick at the time. This was before any expansions had been released.

HoH had special perks on the first Season. The HoH Room featured activities that no other room had, this included the most luxurious comfort items and they even had a Computer/TV to use and enjoy. (Another mistake I made in early seasons of the game.) The major perk to getting HoH was to allow their closest ally to share their HoH Room with an increase to their Friendship Level. This allowed stronger social players to push their games even further and for the next few seasons, I would include this feature.

The houseguests are given a little free time before the first HoH to get to know each other. Most of the housguests mingle, but some of them could've made a little more of an effort to work on getting to know the others. Brielle, Anihi & Jarrod have a great conversation on the first day.

Lyric struggles to make connections on day one and spends a lot of time by herself.

Sterling and Arthur really hit it off early on and form an alliance on day one. Arthur is a Bro and definitely intends to stay loyal to this alliance.. But Sterling has a shady side to him and could definitely be blowing smoke.

The first HoH Competition ever is a Don't Wake the Llama Tournament. Each houseguest faces off in randomized 1v1s until only 1 sim remains!

It comes down to Byron and Jarrod with Byron coming out as the first HoH ever!

Byron really doesn't want to make waves on the first nominations of the season and just put's up the Sims he knows the least, which is Arthur and Lyric. He also picks Anihi to share his HoH Room and all the Perks that come along with it. Byron looks to use his HoH as a way to build a strong social connection.

In terms of nominations, Byron spent the least amount of time with Lyric and Arthur, so they were his picks by default.

Anihi takes advantage of Byron's invitation and the two really hit it off privately in the HoH Room. Their friendship increases quite a bit this week.

Gemma and Jarrod fly completely under the radar this week. They land in the middle of the pack in terms of relationships. Both of them have done a good job of staying out of the drama.

Pissed off that Byron targeted his Alliance Member, Sterling and Byron clash. Sterling tries to intimidate Byron to throw him off of his game before the Veto Comp and their relationship takes a major hit this week.

The first Veto is a relay race and at the time, I only featured two other sims at random draw to compete with the HoH and two nominees. Sterling and Brielle were selected to compete. In this competition, the first Sim to Finish their Bonsai Tree, a Woodworking Statue and place their toy in the toy box is the winner!

Arthur fights hard to win the Veto Competition and smokes everyone else in the Relay Race. Clearly Arthur is going to take himself off the block so Byron will be forced to name a replacement.

Annoyed by Arthur's Veto Win, Byron changes his original strategy of not making waves on Week 1. Due to his horrible run in with Sterling, he puts him up as a replacement, in hopes that a massive target will be sent home this week. (Also, side note, in Season 1 I gave points in Final 2 to the players that made big moves in the game. I kept a record of every big move that took place and the bigger the move, the more points they got from it. The Sims that make big moves in the game were rewarded for them. These points were added on to their total at the end. I used this method for a long time, all the way up to Season 6. Competitions were also added in to the point total at the end of the Season.) Byron backdooring Sterling would definitely be a big move if it payed off.

In the end, his big move did not pay off. The vote was 4 to 1 for Lyric. She just didn't make social connections and struggled a lot in the game. It didn't really seem like she wanted to be there. (In terms of voting, before the HollieBB Method, I did votes the normal way. Sims voted for the person they had the lowest relationship with.) Only 1 vote went Sterlings way and in Byron's mind, that was his new ally Anihi's vote.. But he was wrong..

Anihi had other plans this week.. And she needed to make sure that Sterling was still in the house. If Byron knew what she was up to.. He'd be very upset. Her vote went with the majority to get Lyric out first.


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