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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Monday, July 9, 2018

Gemma Trotter Biography

Gemma Trotter
Age: 49
Occupation: Socialite
Pet Peeve: Having her space invaded
Hobbies: Drinking, Luxurious Vacations, Dinner Parties
Traits: Self Assured, Loner, Cheerful

Biography: A prominent socialite from Windenburg who has amassed a fortune following her husbands untimely death. Though sad for her husbands absence, Gemma continues on with her life as normal. She's always looking for something to distract from her loneliness, so what better way than in a house full of strangers to learn about and get to know? Networking is key for her as a Socialite and she plans to put those skills to the test. Gemma may be older, but she will use that to her advantage in the game to pull sympathy and hopefully not be seen as a threat.

CC Links:
No CC on Gemma

SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! *Return to Season 1 Here!!*

Gameplay Analysis/Statistics: Gemma's game pretty much went as she planned it. She made it very far, not really seen as a threat and even won an HoH Competition which was perfectly timed and secured her a spot in the Final 3. Sadly, she fell into the same trap of the other girls in Season 1. Everyone wanted to take Byron to the end in hopes of beating him due to his horrible relationships. Unlucky for her and Brielle, Anihi had Byron completely wrapped around her finger from Day 1. Her downfall was putting her trust into a duo that had a Final 2 deal. Her inability to win Final HoH is what cost her the game. Gemma was a strong social player, and would definitely be deserving of another shot in the future.

Season: 1
HoH Wins: 1
Veto Wins: 0
Times Nominated: 3
Week Evicted: Week 5
Final Placement: 3rd

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