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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Naomi Frye Biography

Naomi Frye
Age: 32
Occupation: Flight Attendant
Pet Peeve: Rude People
Hobbies: Gardening, Cycling, Shopping
Traits: Perfectionist, Neat, Erratic

Biography: Naomi lives life to the fullest. She has a very energetic and friendly personality that helps her in her personal and professional life. She's a Flight Attendant, so she gets to meet all kinds of people from all across the world. Naomi thinks this will be a major advantage in the game of Big Brother. She is very experience in getting people to like her. Although, she does have a wild side that people don't really know about.. Sometimes she could have some very unpredictable mood swings, but she tries to suppress that side of herself.

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SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!! *Return to Season 2 here!!*

Gameplay Analysis/Statistics: Naomi was wild.. In a time where the "Insane" trait made them act a lot crazier than they do now, Naomi had a lot of nude fun in the house which distracted a lot of the other houseguests. Gameplay wise, she started off pretty strong, she was socially one of the strongest on Week 1 and was part of the strong Girls Alliance at the start that had a plan to eliminate the males as early as possible. This alliance didn't really work into her favor however, seeing as they were the main targets from the start.. But to her credit, she was the last one of them standing. Naomi won 2 Vetos to save herself from eviction, even with the entire house annoyed with her antics and wanting her out. Ultimately she got backdoored on the first Double Eviction. She was a strong competitor and I think she would be good in a new season. She may be invited back one day.

Season: 2
HoH Wins: 0
Veto Wins: 2
Times Nominated: 2
Week Eliminated: Week 4
Final Placement: 8th

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