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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Tommy Walters Biography

Tommy Walters

Age: 24
Occupation: Car Salesman
Pet Peeve: Neat Freaks
Hobbies: Motorcycling, 
Traits: Slob, Kleptomaniac, Bro

Biography: Tommy has fought a lot of demons in his lifetime. As a troubled teen, he got into drugs and thievery and at his lowest point, spent some time in Juvi. He really turned his life around as an adult and got a job as a Car Salesman. He is very upbeat and overall happy most of the time. But, those old demons still haunt him to this day and it's a struggle for him to suppress them. Production has been skeptical about casting Tommy because of his past, but he's so dang charming, they think he'll be fine in the house. They will be monitoring him closely to make sure he doesn't do anything crazy.. (Secretly, production kinda wants the drama.)

CC Links:
No CC On Tommy

SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!! *Return to Season 2 here!!*

Gameplay Analysis/Statistics: Tommy was like a stealthy ninja in Season 2. No one even noticed him sneaking through the game. He made it very far, just off of keeping his relationships high enough on both sides to never be targeted. For the majority of the game, Tommy kept neutral but his demise came toward the end, when he was lured in by Cassie, which made Guy jealous. Guy didn't like how close they were getting and angrily through Tommy on the block next to Diego. This led to a 2 to 1 vote and Tommy's eviction. Honestly, I'm not really sure if Tommy was a good player or not. He didn't play bad, but he didn't particularly do anything aside from floating by. I doubt I would ever invite him back for an All Stars, he's not really memorable. Though never being nominated until the 6th Week in is pretty impressive.

Season: 2
HoH Wins: 0
Veto Wins: 0
Times Nominated: 1
Week Eliminated: Week 6
Final Placement: 6th

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