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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Big Brother Season 3 Part 1

*You Can Click Above For The Previous Part!!*

*PART 1*

* If you would like to see more about each character individually, Click their face!! If you somehow missed the House Tour/Meet The Houseguests Click Here!! Gameplay Analysis/Statistics will be added once the Season has wrapped, so beware of spoilers! If you don't want to accidentally stumble on spoilers, just read the Meet The Houseguests above, it is spoiler free!*

*Disclaimer: Everything you will see in this series are depictions of storylines that are made up from autonomous actions between the sims. I have no control of their actions or relationships, I will only be commenting on what they do, and try to make storylines out of it for dramatic effect. No competitions or eliminations will be rigged, everything that happens is of their own free will. Some scenes may be enhanced on a separate save just for storytelling purposes, but in no way will effect their friendships or relationships in the real game. I hope you enjoy Season 3!!*

This Season on Big Brother... 12 Sims from all different countries and ethnicities enter the running for the $500k prize! With two seasons and two winners previously crowned with basic rules, it was time to expect the unexpected. This seasons wasn't going to be like any season before it because there was new twists in play to shake up the strategies and change the game!

Meet Skellybear, the holder of fates and the destroyer of games. This Season a new Trick Or Treat Twist is unleashed on the house. The Treat Bowl has 5 Trigger Effects that can go off when someone grabs a treat from the bowl. (The Pop Up Ghost/Green Mist/Blue Mist/Green Hand/Explosion) On Week 1, a Trick and Treat Reaction will be set. The bowl will be available for them to autonomously use at any time during the week, and the first person to get the Treat Reaction will get a reward for the week. These treat effects can even effect a sim that has already been nominated and put on the block. But, because such great rewards cant be given without consequence, there will also be a Trick Reaction in play. If a sim gets the Trick Reaction, they receive a punishment that could really hurt their game in a serious way. If the HoH gets the Trick, it will be applied for them the next week. If no one receives these reactions, they will roll over to the next week until someone gets them. Each time a Trick or Treat is received, the following week, a new reward or punishment will be available. This Twist can make or break a game, but the question is, will they have the guts to go for it?! Are you excited for The Trick or Treat Twist?! For the first week The Trick in place will be Automatic Nomination and is set to the Green Hand Reaction. The First Sim to get the Green Hand will go up as a Third Nominee with no opportunity to save themselves, they must face the eviction vote. The First Treat will be from the Green Mist Reaction, and that sim will be given Immunity for the week it's received, even if they were already nominated.

Also, this season, The HoH Twist Returns, but will be taken to another level. The same as the previous two seasons, the HoH will be given the opportunity to invite 2 other sims to share their HoH Room and all the perks. (Up to Top 8, where it will be reduced to only 1 sim instead of 2) The HoH Room is locked to every other sim in the house that was not selected. In the HoH Room they have everything they could dream of to build skills or have fun and increase their relationships exponentially. After selecting two sims, they will be given a +15 Friendship Boost to the HoH, and as you know from older seasons, this was HUGE for building relationships and forming alliances. Also this season, the vote and evictions will based solely on relationships with the house, like true to life Big Brother. The Point System only applies to the Final 2, where Big Moves Points are once again in play, as is the Jury Majority Bonus! With all that out of the way, let's get into the game and see how this first week plays out, shall we?!

The houseguests break off and start mingling. Veronica, Devonte and Chari get to know each other in the kitchen. In past seasons, I liked to give them some time to get to know each other before I jumped into an HoH competition. So they will have the first night to get to know each other a little bit.

Austen immediately starts training for that first HoH by doing some Yoga to get himself nice and flexible. He seems very focused.

Chari and Veronica didn't hit it off at all. I don't know if it's jealousy or just a clash of personalities, but it seems Chari does not like what she sees. Maybe she doesn't agree with her career choices?

Devonte and Elmer get to know each other over a game of chess. It goes really well. They are kind of an odd pairing but I ship it!

As some of the houseguests go to bed early, the night owls start to show themselves and congregate to the outside gaming area to continue talks. Smart move by them this early in the game.

Austen and Bronson really seem to be hitting it off. Bronson feels like Austen is similar to some of his bros at home and it really gets the conversation going. Could we be seeing the start of a Bromance in the house already?!

Being the curious intellectual he is, Ramin takes his chances with the Trick or Treat Bowl very early on and it pays off! He receives the first Treat of the season! Ramin will be completely immune from nominations this week! That means there are no more treats available until the next rotation, only the Trick will be in play. But the other houseguests don't know that. ;)

Devonte can't seemm to sleep and is the last person awake on night one. Probably not the smartest move considering the HoH Competition is coming up in the morning. He's going to be exhausted.

That next morning, Ramin and Jazlyn are the first two up. Ramin neglected some of his sleep to make sure he still got up early, as he was one of the last to go to bed. It seems to be working out for him so far, because it gave him time to chat with Jazlyn about game and possibly working together.

It's time for the first HoH Competition of the Season! With some of the houseguests not taking the time to rest last night, this may be a difficult endurance challenge for them to last through. It's going to be a Meditation Comp. (If you play HollieBB Rules, DO NOT do this competition. It only works if the sims have no skills, which none of them did in my previous seasons.) The premise of this comp was simple, outlast the other contestants. The last one left meditating will be the winner!

After 14 Hours it comes down to two!! Either Bronson or Chari will be the first HoH of the season. Who are you rooting for to take it?!

Unwilling to budge, Bronson realized he wasn't going to beat Chari and gives up! That means she is the first HoH and will be given the power to name TWO houseguests to join her in her Private HoH Room. The strategy of this could make a lot of waves in this game. Winning the first HoH is a ballsy move and deserves some respect. Big Move by Chari. (Keep in mind, I was a lot more lenient with Big Moves back then because I didn't have a fully developed point system, so Big Moves were the major way to rack up points that would lead to a win in The Final 2.)

After that insane HoH Competition, Chari noticed the drive and athleticism in Bronson and Devonte who both pushed themselves to the limit. With Bronson right behind her, and Devonte ending the comp in 4th place, even after staying up all night, she really gained some respect for the both of them and offers a deal this week to join her in the HoH Room. Bold move by Chari, choosing to align with two strong guys off the bat. She gains +15 Friendship with Bronson and Devonte.


With the houseguests seated at the bar, the first nominations were about to begin. Because he won the Treat for the week, Ramin has immunity from nominations and will not be eligible to go up. Everyone else is fair game. Chari so far has not really shown an interest in the other girls in the house, even choosing two guys to align with early on. But which girls is she going to target?!

It was pretty clear from the start, Veronica was not Chari's kind of girl. They did not click and really got into it on the first day. Jazlyn hasn't made any effort to talk to Chari and judging from her reaction to Veronica, I'm not surprised she would target Jazlyn as well. Jazlyn is very out there and clearly here to play up to the cameras. It seems the HoH just really doesn't like girls acting "out there" as they are. -10 Friendship with Veronica and Jazlyn to Chari.

After the nominations, Jazlyn is determined that she is not going to go and wants her new friend Ramin to help her so she can stay in this game. If he gets into the Veto Comp and wins, she wants him to take her off. She will owe him big time. Ramin seems pretty receptive to it, but he doesn't say yes or no. I think he's willing to keep his options open and think about it logically.

Veronica spends her time with some of the boys in the house to try and sway their votes with her assets. She makes a living off of manipulating men so it's not surprise she's going to work them for a vote.

In the HoH Room, Chari privately speaks to her two favorite boys and makes it very clear that her target is Veronica and she wants to make sure this girl gets out of this house. Her social game will be dangerous and it's too threatening to leave someone like that in this game.

In the Fun Run Veto Competition, Jazlyn gets her wish. Ramin is also competing with her, but it's not really the competition for him and he struggles a lot. Chari and Bronson are most likely fighting to keep the noms the same and who knows what Ahmit would do. Veronica really just doesn't have the endurance for a Physical Comp, you'd think she'd be pretty active with all the exercise she does in her job.

Noticing that Ramin wasn't going to be able to make it, Jazlyn kicked it into high gear and saved herself from the block, winning the first PoV of the Season! This is horrible for Chari, now she has to put more blood on her hands early on in the game.


In the Veto Ceremony, Chari wants to get as little blood on her hands as possible and tells Jeanette she is just a pawn, her target is Veronica and she wants everyone to make sure Veronica leaves this game. -10 Friendship with Jeanette.

Jeanette really pushes to appeal to the softer spoken girls of the house and offer any deals she can to stay. With Yari and Alawa, she tries to be as respectable as she can and do best to listen and accept them, even though they are of foreign origins and a little out of their element. She wants them to feel welcome here in another country, knowing it's probably scary for them. They really seem to bond.

Jazlyn is out for revenge, she feels like Chari is out of control this early in the game and playing way too hard. Her and Ramin really want to bring her down a peg and show her that she's not going to get what she wants acting the way she is. They promise deals to Veronica and are looking to save her this week.


It's time for the first eviction of the Season! Tonight, either Veronica or Jeanette will be the first person voted out of Big Brother Season 3. Both have campaigned hard to stay and really want to be here. It's going to come down to who was able to wrangle the most numbers for the week and get the ball rolling on this game! This Season, I'm going to do it a bit differently. Because people liked how I did the Final Jury in my Season 8 Season, I'm going to do the same thing for every eviction this season so you can get an idea of where the sims votes or going, to give more of a sense of strategy to spice things up. Luckily I recorded who every sim voted for every rotation, so it won't be an issue. I think it will be interesting! Since this season was purely based on house relationships, it's a good way to see who was really strategizing and who wasn't. Let's see where the votes lie! Who do you think is going home?! The coming votes will be votes to evict!


Austin votes to evict Jeanette. He hasn't really spoke to her much at all so far. Veronica really made an effort with him, and he likes what he sees. She's a beautiful girl and he wants to see if it goes any further between them. He thinks it's too early to send her out of the game. Jeanette: 1 Veronica: 0

Yari is voting to evict Veronica. She has nothing against her, but she really felt welcomed by Jeanette and thinks she has a warm presence. She is kind enough to share with anything she may need, and is willing to listen to her. Even though her english isn't the best, Jeanette does her best to try and make Yari feel included. Jeanette: 1 Veronica: 1

It's pretty obvious where Bronson's vote is going to go. After Chari offered him an outstanding deal that ensured his safety for his first week in the house, he is completely unwilling to go against her wishes right now. Since Chari wants Veronica out, he's going to do as she asks and cast his vote to evict her. Jeanette: 1 Veronica: 2

Jazlyn was pretty disgusted by Chari's display as HoH this week. She is walking around acting like she owns the place and it's only week one. A little too hard too fast, Jazlyn has no interest in voting the way Chari wants her to, especially after she was put up on the block and had to save herself with the veto. She wants to keep Veronica to even the odds against Chari next week. She votes to evict Jeanette. Jeanette: 2 Veronica: 2

Staying true to his alliance with Jazlyn, it's in his best interest right now not to ruffle any feathers. He wants to prove his loyalty to Jazlyn and vote with her this week. It's pretty clear, Ramin votes to evict Jeanette. They want to keep Veronica in for another number to fight against Chari. Jeanette: 3 Veronica: 2

Alawa isn't looking to involve herself in the petty feud that is going on right now, she just wants to support the person who has been nicest to her. And for that, she casts her vote to evict Veronica. Jeanette has made much more of an effort to talk to her and make her feel welcome and she appreciates kind heartedness, especially in game like this. Jeanette: 3 Veronica: 3 It's tied currently and there are 3 votes left! It's so close so far, who do you think is going home?!

Ahmit being the sleaze he is, feels Jeanette is a prude. With Veronica, he really likes what he sees, and Veronica made an effort to "get to know him" a little better than Jeanette has. She has basically avoided him the entire game. I guess a flirt goes a long way. The girl really does know how to charm the boys. Because of this, Ahmit votes to evict Jeanette. Jeanette: 4 Veronica: 3

Devonte stays true to the HoH's wishes and targets the person she wants out of the house. This alliance is helping to progress his personal game, so why go against it? It's way too early for that. His best decision is to stick with Chari and try to take it as far as he can. With that said, Devonte votes to evict Veronica. Jeanette: 4 Veronica:4  ITS TIED!! One Vote Left!! Let's see what Elmer is going to do!!

Elmer has played pretty low key so far, but it seems his closest ally is Devonte in the first week. They bonded over Chess on the first night, so he's just going to throw his vote where Devonte Does. Elmer votes to evict Veronica, which breaks the tie!! Jeanette: 4 Veronica: 5 Such a close vote on Week 1!!

It's official, with a vote of 5 to 4.... Veronica is evicted from the Big Brother House. She tried to work those boys and form an alliance with Jazlyn and Ramin, but they just didn't have the votes to keep her. Chari was smart in who she chose to align herself with this week, and because of Devonte's side relationship with Elmer, it sealed Veronica's fate. Sadly for Jazlyn, Chari got what she wanted this week. A major social threat goes out on Week 1, and it's all because of her. Big Move for Chari.

Because Ramin managed to pull the Treat Reaction this week, a new Treat will be in play on the next rotation. No one pulled the 3rd Nominee Trick Reaction, therefore it will be rolling over each week until someone gets it. Scary stuff, that one could really hurt someones game! Stay tuned next week to see what the new Treat is going to be!

And that is it for Part 1!! The drama won't be on the level of a new season, but I hope you enjoy the more strategic gameplay focus! Because this is a season based around voting, it's a lot different from how HollieBB Rules play out, there is no point system to save them. I prefer the HollieBB Method Personally, but if you are interested in playing Big Brother without any mods or any expansions, it's completely doable this way. There is very minimal relationship modifying and you can use the Cheat Console to input them. (I did it for 4 Seasons) As always, let me know your thoughts on Twitter! I'd love to hear what you think about this new Voting Arrangement at the end. It gives a glimpse into why they are voting the way they are. I feel like it gives the characters a bit more depth in these early seasons. Let me know! Part 2 will be here soon!!

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