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*PART 9*
Previously on Big Brother... Isabella and Yusun continued to nurture their idea of sticking together as a strong Girls Alliance to get yet another male out of the house. The girls were outnumbered and wanted to even the odds. But working together as girls was a little complicated.
Even though Paola and Yusun were all in on the idea of getting out a male this week, their hatred for each other made it very difficult for Yusun to stick to the plan. This girl has been a thorn in her side for weeks now, and for the third time as HoH, she couldn't take a shot at her.
Ultimately, Yusun's loyalty to Isabella helped to keep her on plan, and her target was the maniacal Quentin, who has terrorized her on a very personal level as of late. Everyone in the house was fed up with Quentin at this point in the game, and it was time for him to go.
But to everyone's displeasure, Quentin managed to save himself with the Power of Veto, putting Yusun in a horrible predicament once again as HoH. This forced her to choose between her Boyfriend and her Bestfriend, while her enemy Paola sat on the sidelines with a big smirk on her face. This wasn't going to end well, another wasted HoH for Yusun.
Unwilling to put her boyfriend on the block, she betrayed her best friend since Week 1, by putting him up as a "Pawn". Coty beat him in a close final score of 22 to 20 and Yusun was left completely devastated by the blindside. She really regrets sticking with the girls instead of putting Paola up, it made her look really bad in this game. Every HoH she's had hasn't gone the way she planned. Chad Jr became the 3rd Member of the Jury, and a Double Eviction was eminent.
A Live Double Eviction rocked the house, and once again, Paola proved she was good under pressure. Winning her 2nd Double Eviction HoH in a row! With the Girls Alliance now over with, she knew she had an opportunity to take out her biggest rival in the game and she took it.
A last minute Young Alliance with Isabella/Quentin/Paola really saved Quentin's ass, putting him above Yusun & Coty in Paola's eyes. It looked like the villain had somehow escaped the crosshairs once again. But that was short lived.
After Coty danced his way to victory in the Veto Competition, Paola was put in a predicament to put up either Quentin, Raj, or Isabella. Clearly, Quentin was on the bottom of that totem pole.
Not having the ability to save himself this time, Quentin obviously did not have the votes to stay in the house. Everyone in the house wanted him gone for weeks, and they finally were handed that opportunity on a silver platter. In a final score that was way closer than anyone expected, Quentin lost 9 to 11, and became the 4th Member of the Jury. Only 5 Sims Remain, who will be evicted tonight?! Find out now on Big Brother!!
Getting right into the next HoH, Coty, Isabella, Raj and Yusun compete for power. Outgoing HoH, Paola, is unable to compete. This HoH Competition is going to be Starry Night. In this competition the sims will examine the sky for a set amount of hours and the sim that receives the most photos in that set amount of time will be the winner!!
With Raj and Isabella unable to get any photos, it came down to Coty and Yusun who both managed to get one photo. Since Coty got his photo way before Yusun did, he becomes the next HoH of the season! This is Coty's first HoH and he secures his spot in the Final 4! Very Impressive.
Paola isn't looking so good following this HoH Competition. She realizes that her relationship with Coty is now damaged after their blow up last week. Their alliance together was crumbled during Paola's tantrum.
Isabella is completely confident with Coty as the HoH. She's just focused on getting her fitness up and preparing for the competitions ahead. This girl is an absolute beast, a Chadette through and through. She finally manages to max her fitness at 10!
Yusun and Raj also don't seem confident with Coty as HoH. Coty has made an obvious alliance with Isabella and has pretty much abandoned the Core Alliance, knowing he was at the bottom of it. It's actually very smart of him to switch sides at this point in the game.
HOH Campaigning
Yusun comes to Coty with an open mind, promising everything she can to him to make it up for putting him on the block last week. She apologizes up and down and tells him she knew he wasn't going anywhere. She really wanted Quentin out and she knew there was no way Quentin could beat him in a vote. Coty can tell she's sincere and respects that. They have a great talk, +20 Friendship Gain.
Paola appeals to Coty and begs him for his forgiveness for putting him up in the last rotation. Much like Yusun, it was "nothing personal" and she knew he wasn't going anywhere. He listens but he's not as receptive, Yusun's seemed much more sincere. She only gets a +10 Friendship Gain with Coty. He's still weighing out his options.
Isabella isn't worried going into this rotation with her main ally as HoH. She decides to just keep training instead of campaigning, there was no point. No Conflict Added.
Raj continues to avoid campaigning. He always seems to just nap on these days and not even attempt to talk to the HoH. I guess it's worked for him so far, so more power to him. He probably thinks he can just find a way to manipulate him later on and doesn't need to scramble or look desperate. No Conflict Added.
DAY 2 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim
Isabella's Insider Trait gives her another +20 Boost with the house for being good at keeping secrets. Great Roll for her! She's getting such good rolls lately!
Non-Committal Sims get called out for playing both sides. Isabella, Coty and Yusun take a -10 Friendship hit with the entire house.
We FINALLY get a Final 2 in this house! First Final 2 in 9 Weeks. Isabella and Coty make it official, they've been working together since the first part of the game and they want to continue to show their loyalty by agreeing to take each other to the Finale. +30 Friendship Gain between them.
Isabella gets an innocent whim to do some flirting with Coty. She then gives him a kiss on the cheek and they lock eyes...
That innocent flirt turned serious real quick, and they decided to take it much MUCH further. Coty and Isabella woohoo for the first time and gain +15 Romance. Honestly, this whim turned out great for her.
Yusun really seems like she's working hard on Coty. She's worried he's going to be out for revenge this week and put her up.
An Innocent little Hot Tub date between Yusun and Raj gets interrupted by Paola who seems to want to have a little fun and mess with her enemy. She starts flirting with Yusun's boyfriend right in front of her to piss her off.
It completely works. Yusun is so pissed off that this girl is even trying this right now. She's ready to fight.
Yusun throws up the hand, she's over this bullshit. She's officially had it with Paola and Raj is really pissing her off right now too.
She sucks up the rage and starts to lean back on her man to show Paola she isn't threatened by her, he's her man and he picked her to be his girlfriend for a reason. After Yusun starts flirting with Raj, Paola starts getting pissed off. She shoots daggers at Yusun from across the hot tub. This encounter is sooooo messy.
Yusun wins the battle and Paola storms out of the room. Her plan to break them up didn't work. Raj immediately starts feeding Yusun bullshit to try to keep their relationship from falling in the red. It was SOOO Close!! They dropped all the way to 1 romance point!!
Isabella is in a great spot right now. Alliances with everyone in the house aside from Raj and now has a Final 2 deal with Coty. She seems set in this game!
Paola wants Raj to herself, she despises the fact that she has to share him with Yusun. It's like her feud with Sidney all over again, when they were fighting over Chad Jr. This girl has some serious issues with being possessive.
DAY 2 Nominations/Nomination Rolls
With Coty as HoH, it's pretty obvious his loyalty lies with Isabella. He has strayed away from the Core Alliance now that it's very clear he was at the bottom of the totem pole. He decides that for his nominations he's going to be fair about it.
Because he hates being used as a pawn, he's going to return the favor to Yusun and Paola. He doesn't seem to have a target this week, it's just an eye for an eye. Both girls have put him on the block in the past and he wishes them the best going into the PoV Competition. Coty knows that Isabella isn't going to come under fire this week and that's all that matters to him. If Raj has to go up, then so be it. Coty loses -10 Friendship with Yusun and Paola.
Yusun worked so hard not to end up on the block. She's very disappointed in herself and whines about it. The house is annoyed, -5 Friendship with the house.
Paola isn't going down without a fight. She's going to be smart about this and Campaign. She had a feeling Coty was going to put her up, so she's been preparing. She Campaigns to Coty and Raj for +15 Friendship with both of them.
Following the nominations, Paola once again taunts Yusun by flirting with Raj and pisses her off once more. I'm surprised Yusun hasn't beat her ass at this point.
This betrayal is too much for Yusun, she can't take it anymore. Her romance with Raj has officially dropped into the red and now she has to break up with him. She has no other choice. She's not going to continually be disrespected this way. Paola looks on at Yusun walking away with one of the most sadistic looks I've ever seen on a sim.
Following this betrayal, Yusun officially breaks up with Raj. Their Real Romance Alliance is over and their romance points plummet MUCH further into the red. There will be no coming back from this.
Paola struts by to see how things are going. She realizes that they are breaking up and she's so proud of herself. Now she can have Raj all to herself, the evil bitch.
Coty makes a point to steer clear of all the drama today. He'd rather just take a swim by himself. He doesn't want to be a part of any of that mess.
That night, Paola wastes no time honing in on Raj. She really does have a plan and wants Raj to see her as his number one. She is completely misted by him in this game and is reliant on his attention, especially now that Chad Jr is out.
As most of the sims have a good time drinking, Yusun has an early night. She's so tired of the bullshit and drama, she'd just rather go to bed tonight.
Paola gets an Angry WASTED Drunk Roll this night. She is completely out of it and destroys her Young Alliance with Isabella, as well as her Strategy Alliance with Coty and Raj. This causes her to lose -30 with Isabella, and -30 with both Coty and Raj. Now all she has left is her Social Outcast Alliance with Raj. This was probably the worst roll I've ever seen, holy crap she destroyed her game!!! This girl can't hold her liquor!!
Raj is confident drunk and just talks to the cameras. He thinks he's the fan favorite, No Conflict Added.
That morning, Yusun is still very upset from last night. She really feels like she made a mistake sticking with that Girl Alliance and keeping Paola in this game. She is ruining her life. She misses Chad Jr a lot.
DAY 3 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim
Oddballs Aren't a Threat right now. Socially Awkward Sims get a +20 Friendship Boost with the house. This was great for Raj. No Conflicts Today!
A new Strategy Alliance forms which includes the sims that have the highest combined Charisma/Comedy Skill. Coty/Raj/Yusun get this alliance. +30 Friendship between them. I guess Yusun is willing to put her personal issues aside for the game and work with her ex boyfriend to further herself.
Isabella gets a whim to Make Out with Coty. This increases their romance quite a bit. They've been pretty hot and heavy lately. They better watch out though, this could bite them in the ass later on if they aren't careful.
It's time for the Power of Veto Competition. It's a comp we've played before this season, Archaeology Scholar! The person to dig up the most valuable items or the first to finish in the chance of a tie score, will be the winner! Who do you think's going to win this veto comp?!
With a price value of 130, Raj comes out on top and wins the Power of Veto for the week! Probably not the best Veto for him to win, now he has to pick between his two girls. Is he going to save one of them, or will he leave them the same in the order of fairness! Raj just put himself in a pretty bad spot!
DAY 3 POV Ceremony/Nomination Rolls
Raj is forced to make a choice, and even after everything she's done to discredit Yusun and make herself look better in his eyes, he picks his ex girlfriend over Paola. You can see the sheer heartbreak and disappointment in her eyes. She absolutely can not believe that Raj would pick Yusun over her. But for Raj, it's all about game and he knows Yusun has a better chance at furthering his game than a child like Paola who makes very irrational decisions and throws temper tantrums. He learned that last night when she lashed out and destroyed two alliances while she was drunk.
As the only other option available, Coty is forced to put his Final 2 on the block and he hates every second of it. He is so worried that he will be screwed if somehow Paola manages to beat Isabella in this vote. He's optimistic but there still could be a chance. Coty loses -10 Friendship with Isabella.
Isabella remains calm and uses smart strategy to gain +5 Friendship with the house. She's come too far to let this be the way she leaves this game. Not with her strongest ally as HoH.
Paola is devastated but she knows she has to fight to stay here even though the situation is looking grim at this point. She also uses smart strategy to gain +5 Friendship with the house.
Feeling completely disgusted by Raj giving the PoV to Yusun, she slaps him silly after the ceremony. She can't believe she was played like this! Their romance drops to 1 point.
Coty was also disgusted by Raj's display and the way he's been disrespecting both of these women in front of everyone. Their romance points also drop down to a 4 point. He's on really thin ice with his romances now. (In actuality this started because they caught him flirting with Yusun, lol)
Yusun is feeling on top of the world that Raj chose to save her over Paola. It feels like redemption in her eyes. Everything is starting to work out. Their relationship is over but it could be healed with the right amount of effort.
Raj is completely mortified. How could he let his game go this close to the finale. He's disgusted with himself.
The drinks start flowing as they typically do on a Veto Night, and a couple of sims get drunk. Yusun gets a Flirty Wasted Roll and Raj gets a Sad Drunk Roll.
Worried that his game is going up in flames, the drinks only escalate the sadness. Raj cries it out alone that night. No Conflict Added.
Yusun is so wasted she bangs her arch nemesis. Wow Yusun, what are you doing gurl? Flirty or Thirsty! Yusun had to bang two random sims in one night, and on top of that, lose -20 Friendship with the house for being a thot. Paola was the first and she gains +15 Romance for doing it for the first time... Who do you think is second?!
Yusun's 2nd Woohoo was with Coty, who she also hadn't banged yet. This gave her another +15 Friendship. But with all this at the cost of -20 Friendship with the house, was it really worth it?! It doesn't seem like she's enjoying herself and neither are the participants, lol.
Clearly it wasn't good because Coty cries afterwards. It must've been terrible!!
DAY 4 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim
As the best cook in the house, Coty gets an amazing +20 Friendship with the house for cooking amazing meals for everyone.
Alliance Breakup! Raj turns on Paola at the last second, ending their Social Outcast Alliance. The only Alliance she had left. Raj feels like Paola is a ticking time bomb that will ruin his game and he's done with her. This disrespectful shady tactic really pisses off the rest of the house with Raj and he loses -30 Friendship with Paola and -20 with everyone else. Horrible for Raj. No New Alliances Today.
Paola gets a whim to mend her relationship with Yusun just to get it into the green. She realizes now that what she did was wrong and that Raj wasn't worth the effort. He showed his true colors and she's disgusted by him. She's sorry for her actions and it boosts their relationship out of the red at least. A pretty good whim for Paola, but I think it's just a little too late. I don't think Yusun will ever forgive her for what she has done, this was purely for a jury point for her.
DAY 4 Final Vote/Eviction
It's time for the Final Vote and Eviction. Tonight, either Isabella or Paola will be going home. After watching this week, it's pretty obvious what has happened here. A ship sunk and everyone jumped off of it. A young girl who didn't have the experience she really needed to navigate a game like Big Brother, put herself in a situation where she couldn't control her anger and it is about to bite her in the ass. Let's just hop right into the vote.
For Isabella, she gets 3 Friendship Points. Her Romance with Coty already fizzled out due to some issues with flirting so no romance points for her. For alliances, she's in a Chad/Chadette Alliance with Coty, a Final 2 with Coty and a Drunk Alliance with Yusun. Giving her 6 Points there. As for Charisma points, she brings in a 10, giving her a total of 19 Points.
For Paola, she gets 2 Friendship Points and gets 1 Romance Point from Yusun from the night before as well as 1 Romance point from Raj, just barely. This gives her 2 points there. For Alliances, she ruined all 3 of them this week, leaving her with none.. and she only has an 8 Charisma. This gives her a total of 12 Points. Obviously not enough to beat Isabella. Paola is evicted.
Yusun and Raj are completely relieved as they see Paola walk out the front door. She's caused so much drama for them and has really effected their games in a negative way.
The poor girl just didn't know how to handle her anger. She had a pretty good chance of staying if she had kept her cool this week. No one wants to work with someone who is willing to throw away alliances when they are drunk and that was ultimately her downfall. Considering she was only 18 Years Old, she got a lot farther than I ever would've expected. I think with a few more years, she could come back and do pretty well if given another opportunity. Paola becomes the 5th Member of the Jury.
HOH Roll
Coty's HoH was okay, but he didn't really do anything out of the ordinary. He took the easy way out by nominating people for nominating him in the past, which wasn't really a game move. No one was really swayed either way on his week as HoH, so No Conflict Added.
And there we have it, we are now down to the Final 4! The next episode will be the finale! I'm hoping to have it finished soon. Two Alliances Collide, who do you think is going to come out on top?! As always let me know your spoiler free thoughts on Twitter! I love seeing all the tweets about how you are enjoying this! It keeps me motivated, thanks for the all support. Finale will be coming soon, Get Hyped!!
I thought Poala was on the way out. Shocked that Raj would allow his game to blow up like this! It looks like his Ex is his best shot at taking someone to the end right now and I hope that Yusan betrays him, he deserves it. Routing for Yusan at this point even though she clearly doesn't know how to have a good HoH