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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Big Brother Season 1 THE FINAL!!

*You Can Click Above For The Previous Part!!*


After a short but drama filled ride, only three Sims Remain. All have taken a much different path to get here, but all have done enough to be deserving of the Title of Big Brother Season 1 Winner!! What an honor to be the first Sim to become champion. All three of them want it and want it bad!

Byron has played a straight forward game. He used his physical strength to push him through challenges that would otherwise lead him out the door. A major threat in the game, he was targeted multiple weeks but he always managed to pull himself off the block when he was in danger. Byron used his multiple HoH wins to strengthen his bonds with all the girls in the house and had every girl wanting to take him to the end. An incredible game he's played with an outstanding 4 Comp Wins all together. In that short amount of time, that amount of wins is insane.

Anihi has definitely proven to be a social mastermind. She started off strong with her amazing socialization skills, sinking her teeth into all the strong physical threats in the house. With Byron winning comps and focusing on his relationship with her, they formed a very strong bond. Anihi saw Byron as a ticket to the Final and it seems she was right. Anihi has also managed to save herself when she was in danger, though she hasn't won as many comps as Byron, she's made strong social links and spearheaded some of the biggest moves in the game. She's definitely a shoe in for the win!

Gemma has played a much different game than the other two. Though she never formed a solid alliance all season, she positioned herself in a spot to have control of votes without ever really being targeted. She wanted the other houseguests to view her as weak due to her age, but as we saw, in the Final 4 she pulled out and HoH win to secure her spot in the Final 3. Now her eyes are set on winning that Final HoH and bringing Byron with her so she can crush him socially. Byron has made a lot of enemies in the jury, and her strategy is to take advantage of that.

The Final 3 Part HoH kicks off with a Physical Endurance Competition. The last one to quit working out will move on to Round 3. I'm sure no one is surprised the the Professional Dancer pulls this one out with ease.

Anihi and Gemma put their steady hands to the test in a game of Don't Wake the Llama. It goes really even for a few rounds but then Gemma starts to choke and her hands shake. The tower crumbles and it allows Anihi to join Byron in Round 3.

The Final Part is a Brain Teaser, pushing their brains to the limit. It's EXTREMELY close, but in the end, the comp beast pulls out yet ANOTHER win and becomes the Final HoH of the Season!!!!

Byron makes it pretty clear that he appreciates the loyalty that both ladies have showed him in this game and even though it's a hard decision.. He has to keep his loyalty to the one he's been close to since Week 1 and that is Anihi. They've had a Final 2 for most of the game and he promised he would never waiver on that.

As the Jury returns for the final vote, the cast is looking amazing in their formal wear!!

What a great looking bunch of Sims! Overall I was very pleased with this season as a whole, even though it was short, the sims brought the drama and the strategy in such a short amount of time, I was pleased.

Before we get into the Final Vote, I want to address exactly how I did the scoring back then. (Way before HollieBB Rules Existed) In my BB, multiple things were factored in to a Sim Winning The Game. (It was actually kind of similar to Hollie's Scoring System. We think a lot alike) Obviously, the Jury Votes play a big roll in this vote, so I did give them individual points based on Jury Votes. But I also gave an extra +3 Points to the person who got the Majority of the Votes. If they made a Major Move in the game, they were given +2 Points for those. Meaning, gameplay was rewarded. And last but not least, Challenge Wins were added in as well, so each competition they win gives them +1 Point.

Anihi's Score goes as follows. She receives 4 Votes from the Jury, meaning she gains the Majority of the votes, Giving her +7 Points from the Jury. Anihi made two major moves in the game. Spearheading the demise of Arthur/Sterling as well as gaining full control of the vote in the Final 4 and taking out Brielle. These two moves give her another +4 points. In terms of Competitions, Anihi won two, adding +2 to her total which comes out to 13 Points all together!!

For Byron's score we already know he doesn't gain the vote majority. So his score goes as follows. For Votes, he gets two from the Jury, giving him +2 Points. In terms of moves, he collaborated with Anihi on the demise of Arthur/Sterling on Week 3. This gives him another +2 Points. For Challenge wins, he had a whopping five wins, giving him +5 More Points for a total of 9 Points. His weak social game really messed him up, but he did manage to get two out of 6 of the votes which I was surprised to see. That majority bonus really put Anihi over for the win. We have our first winner ever!!!

By a score of 13 to 9... ANIHI WINS BIG BROTHER SEASON 1!!!!! Season 1 was a season full of testosterone fueled men, vying for power. As the men battled it out, Anihi made her rounds, getting all the boys under her thumb so she wouldn't be in any danger. On Week 3, she came out to play, Spearheading the end of the biggest alliance in the game. She allied herself with Byron, who was a comp beast but not a very likable person.. In the end, she knew standing next to him in the Final 2 would secure her the majority vote and ultimately secure her the win! Still to this day, I consider Anihi a great winner, even though it was a shorter season, she made the most of it and made big moves in a such a short amount of time. I respect that.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this! I'm doing it for those who have a shared interest in Sims BB and my past BB's in general. I've done a lot of these and I'd love to share more with you, but I want to know you are interested and want more because I don't want to waste my time if no one is reading them. So tweet at me or comment here to let me know if you like these!!

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