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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Monday, July 9, 2018

Big Brother Season 1 Part 2

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*PART 2*

With the first eviction down, the houseguests are shaken but excited that it wasn't them that went home first. Lyric is the first person ever evicted from Sims 4 Big Brother and it made sense. She had no intention of being fake, and she just didn't click with the others. The remaining contestants aren't given much time to prepare and are thrust right into the next HoH competition.

The second competition is a Cooking Competition and the first person to finish their tasks will be the winner. First of all let me start by saying, I KNOW my set is hideous, I have definitely improved in my designs as the seasons have gone on. This was the first one and I didn't really care much about what the challenge room looked like. BE KIND! :)

Arthur is the first one to finish and ultimately the winner of this competition!! Jarrod once again right on the heels of the HoH, coming in 2nd place for the 2nd time in a row. Arthur goes from on the block Week 1 and right into power, this definitely excites Sterling, who's part of his Bro's Alliance. Byron should definitely be worried. Obviously Arthur shares his HoH Perks with Sterling.

In a conversation in the kitchen, Arthur is honest and just lets him know right then and there, it's going to be an eye for an eye and Byron is going to be going up on the block, no questions asked. It's payback for last week.

Arthur once again states his plans at the Nomination Ceremony that Byron is a competition threat, he's ruffled a lot of feathers in the house and no one wants him here. He makes it very clear that Gemma is just a pawn this week and that everyone needs to vote Byron out.

With the Veto Competition randomly selected to be a Dance Competition, it falls right into the Professional Dancer's lap. Unluckily for Arthur, Byron pulls out a major victory for himself and wins the PoV.

Things once again get heated between Byron and Sterling after Byron makes some cocky remarks when pulling himself off the block. These two really seem to hate each other. Sterling seems even more pissed that their plan didn't work than Arthur does.

Because Arthur didn't want his HoH to go to waste, he had no choice but to target Jarrod as the replacement due to his great performances in both HoH Comps. Because Jarrod isn't linked to him, it makes him nervous and he doesn't want to take the risk of leaving him in the game. Jarrod thought he was safe and is clearly upset.

Jarrod campaigns hard to Brielle, he tells her if she doesn't keep him in, she's going to be next because she's also playing a very similar game to his. He wants them to work together and try to pick off these rival alliances that are ruling over the game right now. Brielle seems very receptive to it.

Gemma decides to lay low before the eviction vote, she doesn't want to make any waves or seem threatening. She wants people to come to her or view her as a weak player.. Now isn't the time for Gemma to campaign so she decides to take a little time to read instead. This could really cost her if she's wrong about her alliances.

With Byron out of the way, Anihi starts working the other side of the house, making deals with the rival alliance to insure her safety. She says she wants to work with them and that taking out Byron is definitely a move they can make soon. Anihi is really making some major social moves in this game.

It's time for the vote and eviction. Both Jarrod and Gemma have been playing the middle of the house and it's time to take out a floater. Jarrod really pushed hard for Brielle to help him campaign this week and Gemma felt confident in her relationships enough to take it easy... By a vote of 3 to 1... Jarrod is backdoored.. Brielle did throw the only vote on Gemma but they couldn't get anyone else to flip. Even if it was a tie, Jarrod really didn't have a chance of staying this week. Both sides of the house agreed that Jarrod was too much of a wildcard for either side and he needed to go.

So sadly, we have to say farewell to another houseguest.  Jarrod got caught in the middle of two alliances and was a casualty of circumstance. Jarrod really didn't have any chance of campaigning his way out of this mess because there just wasn't enough votes to work with. That's the problem with having only 8 Sims competing, there's not a lot of room for mistakes. Maybe we will see Jarrod again some day, he was a nice kid that loved competing.

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