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*PART 3*
*PART 3*
In the game of Big Brother, playing the middle can be just as risky as picking a side. When neither side is vulnerable, the people in the middle are the ones that are expendable.. and in this situation, Jarrod was a physical threat with no allegiances to Arthur and his alliance.. He made a lot of people nervous in the game since he was such a Wildcard and it was his time to go.
The third HoH of the season was a Fun Run Comp. The last one to drop off of the Treadmill will be the winner!!
Bryon once again proves to be a competition beast, winning his 2nd HoH of the season with little to no effort. Sterling throws a fit in the background, after once again allowing Byron to save himself. Arthur is very disappointed in Sterling's performance because once again Byron is protected.
By no ones surprise, Byron wastes no time in throwing Arthur and his ally Sterling up on the block. This back and forth has gotten out of hand and he's ready to send one of them home. He jokes about how no matter what happens, at least one of them will be leaving. They aren't amused.
Byron continues to go to Anihi for advice. He feels completely alone in the house and she's the only one he can trust. Byron and Anihi promise that they will take each other to the end no matter what and nothing will come between that. Anihi promises Byron that if she wins the veto, she will do whatever he wants her to do with it.
Gemma and Brielle form a strong bond with each other, but want the house to think that they are just playing the middle. The two girls lean more on the side of Anihi and Byron, because they know sitting next to a hot head like Byron in the end could be a sure thing. He's made a lot of houseguests mad this season.
Arthur and Sterling discuss their options and realize that if they both want to stay this week, one of them has to come off the block. The Veto is the only way they can save their alliance.
Byron being the asshole he is, throws some remarks at his rival Arthur to try to scare him going into the Veto. Arthur isn't phased, it just lights a fire under him to win Veto just to annoy Byron even more.
In the Veto, another close relay race.. Anihi thinks about throwing it but see's a great opportunity to take out a threat this week and just barely beats out Arthur for the power!!
Anihi looks to build trust with Byron and finally picks her side. She makes the biggest move of the Season by leaving Arthur and Sterling on the block and forcing one of them out of the game. Anihi is the first female to win a Veto all season and the first one to win a Challenge in BB History.
Gemma and Brielle can't seem to agree on who they want out of the house. Gemma is convinced that Sterling will cause more Drama and he will be more of a target for them to skate by. But Brielle is very close to Arthur and thinks Sterling is too much of a hothead to work with and that Arthur could get them farther and help them take out Byron/Anihi. This indecision just moments before the eviction really leave the two girls in a conundrum going into the vote.
Because the girls are so split on their decision making, the final vote comes down to Anihi who knows exactly who she wants out of the house this week.
By a vote of 2 to 1.... Arthur is evicted from the Big Brother house!!!!
Arthur played an amazing game.. He made big moves, he won comps to save himself and had a powerful alliance.. All the things that make a great Big Brother player. He's definitely deserving of another shot in the future! (Spoiler Alert- He gets one!!)
The houseguests aren't given any time to relax, because it's time for a Double Eviction!! Everyone is nervous now. They all gear up and head to the competition room.
It was a game of luck. Each contestant shakes the Magic 8 Ball.. All the positive reactions mean the Sim is safe... But if they get a negative one, that sim is automatically eliminated from the competition. The last Sim standing will be crowned as the new HoH. Because Byron is the outgoing HoH, he will not be able to compete.
Brielle becomes the first woman to ever win an HoH in Sims Big Brother! She is very pissed about Arthur's eviction and feels betrayed by Gemma.. She really wanted Sterling out of this game and Gemma ruined that for her by turning on Arthur.
Brielle is extremely disappointed in Gemma, who she thought she could trust over anyone else and feels so betrayed. Gemma and Sterling go up on the block.
Anihi and Byron get Brielle alone in the kitchen to propose a deal. They tell her they have her back and will try to help her get the Veto.. She can trust them going forward and Final 3 is theirs if she just trusts them.
With the Veto once again rolled to be a Dance Competition, Byron shows off his skills and secures yet another competition win, ensuring neither nominee gets to save themselves from the block. This means he and Anihi will be safe during this 2nd live eviction.
With full control of the votes in the hands of Byron and Anihi, it's pretty obvious who they are going to vote out of the house. Sterling has made problems with both of them all season and with his alliance causing so much trouble for the their side of the house, it's clear they want to rid of this pest.
Sterling played a volatile game of intimidation and insults. Sterling tried to scare his allies into voting his way and that might work on some, but Byron and his allies weren't going to put up with it. I think that's why there were two clear sides of the house that clashed. Sterling really brought the drama this season, but in terms of competitions, he just didn't have what it took to save himself when he needed it. I think Sterling would thrive more in a larger house with a diverse cast of Sims, so he could pick out the few he could manipulate and use them as a shield.
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