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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Big Brother Season 2 Part 2

*You Can Click Above For The Previous Part!!*

*PART 2*

Previously on Big Brother.... 12 Houseguests moved in to the new house in Oasis Springs. They all scattered to meet each other frantic to make connections, but the ones that really stood out were Alex/Naomi/Staci who worked hard to make strong bonds early on. As the houseguests were winding down, they realized a new twist had been introduced... There were only 7 Beds available. 

On night one, 5 houseguests were left without a bed to sleep in, which really left them sleep deprived going into the first HoH Competition. In the HoH Comp, a nude Naomi distracted the delirious 5 even more, leaving everyone shook by her crazy antics. Lizzie pushed hard for the win and became the first HoH of the summer, nominating her lowest friendships Guy and Isaiah for eviction. 

The HoH used her power to strengthen her bonds with Naomi and Staci, forming a girls alliance right off the bat. These three girls dominated the first rotation and made it clear they wanted a strong guy out first. In the Veto, both Naomi and Staci were randomly selected to compete, with Staci coming out as the winner and solidifying their plans. 

With the week completely in their control, Isaiah The Romance Novelist was the first one sent packing this season. Is this power alliance going to dominate again this week? Or will a new alliance rise to power? Find out now on Part 2 of Big Brother!!

Week 2 is another classic HoH competition. The houseguests put their fate in the hands of the Future Cube, which will decide who is the next Head of Household. I played this competition two ways. In earlier seasons I only allowed positive reactions to keep them in the game. But in later versions of the challenge, I changed it to eliminate the people outside of the majority. Which means, if there are 7 sims competing and 4 get a bad reaction but 3 get a good one, the 3 good ones will be eliminated. This could also happen in the opposite way... If 4 sims get a good reaction, the 3 bad ones would be out. It was just a way to spice things up.

Luck seemed to be on the side of Diego. He becomes the 2nd HoH of the season. We haven't seen much of him so far and no one really knows where his head is in terms of gameplay, but I'm sure they will flock to him now that he's in power.

Everyone in the house is nervous as Diego makes his nominations, he doesn't tell anyone what he's about to do. With little to no hesitation he names his targets.

Speaking for the entire house, he tells Naomi and Staci to take a seat. Both of the girls have proven to be massive social game players in this game and immediately showed themselves as threats. Diego doesn't want to waste his HoH, and just like they were determined to take out a strong guy last week, he isn't scared to make a big move either. This would be a Big Move if his HoH plays out the way he wants it to.

Diego chooses Alex and Kala to share his HoH Room. This means he gains a +10 Friendship with both girls. It seems Diego has also locked in on the two people he wants to work with in this game. His charm seems to work well on both of them.

Staci is very pissed off by the outcome. Instead of campaigning, she decides to go to bed early.. She doesn't even want to look at anyone after nominations..

Naomi is unphased by the nomination and continues as she was. She campaigns hard for votes.. She has no intention of leaving the house.

The boys really flock to Diego this week, hoping that he will keep them safe. Cyrus/Tommy/Guy/Irving all seem to want to work with Diego this week to take out one of the girls. Could we now be seeing an alliance of all guys forming too?

Staci clearly expresses her disdain for Diego and those nominations, urging the girls in her alliance to fight hard for that veto so they have a chance of staying this week and getting revenge.

The houseguests line up for the Veto Competition. Cyrus, Irving and Lizzie are randomly selected to join the HoH and two nominees. This could be great for the Girls Alliance... All 3 of them have an opportunity to win!

Crazy Naomi does the unthinkable and saves herself from eviction with the PoV!

The girls are sure they have avoided eviction this week now that Naomi has pulled herself off. They can't wait to see Diego's plans crumble and are ready to get to work on the campaign to keep Staci safe this week.

During the Veto Ceremony, Naomi proudly approaches Diego to tell him he will have to name a replacement. Obviously, she's saving herself with the veto. Big Move for Naomi.

Diego made it very clear that he was not going to waste his HoH and that he was sending a big target out of this house. So with that being said, Diego asks Lizzie to take a seat. Two massive threats are now on the block together and one of them is definitely going home. Big Move by Diego. (If this was later in the season I would've considered this a Major Move but since it was Week 2, I decided to leave it as a Big Move.)

Naomi feels terrible for both of them, their alliance is now in shambles.. Lizzie is distraught and Staci is shook. Both of them feel like they have so much more game left in them and this has devastated their alliance. To go from such a high to such a low so quickly was very unexpected.

It has all come down to this. The Week 1 Power Alliance is now being backdoored by the house. These girls dominated the first week of the game and it frightened the other houseguests. So on behalf of everyone in the house, Diego took a shot at them.. and it landed. Though Naomi was an original target, she managed to save herself.. Opening the door for Diego to backdoor someone even more threatening. Will the houses votes line up with his plans, or is Staci more of the threat in the house? We're about to find out!! Who do you think is going home?

Lizzie was the mastermind of the Girls Alliance and the backdoor was just way too tempting for the house. By a vote of 7 to 1, with Naomi being the only vote for Lizzie to stay, she is the 2nd person evicted from the house. Her aggressive gameplay was too scary early on and she had to go. The girls played well, but it was way too soon. Had this alliance waited a little longer to make big moves, I think the threesome could've made it much further as a unit. But now, only Staci and Naomi remain... Will they continue to work together or is it too dangerous? Find out next time on Part 3 of Big Brother!!


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