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*PART 3*
Previously on Big Brother... Diego won power in the house and vowed to make a big move. He was very clear that there was no way he's letting his HoH go to waste. Selecting Kala & Alex to share his HoH, it seemed they were in the beginnings of a new alliance. Having power in my early Seasons was very beneficial to their games.
A brave attack on the power alliance from Week 1, Diego was showing that he's not messing around. He put Naomi & Staci up on the block, arguably the two best socially in the house on Week 1. Diego felt that they were on a personal mission to take the men out early, and he was not going to allow it.
Naomi flipped and spun her way into a victory in the Veto Competition, giving them hope that their alliance would be safe for the week now that Diego was forced to name a replacement.
But sadly this was not the case. Because Naomi took herself off the block, Diego saw the opportunity to take out an even bigger target, and chop the head off the snake right then and there. Lizzie was now the replacement nominee.
The house jumped on this opportunity delivered to them on a silver platter.. and by a vote of 7 to 1, Lizzie is the second person evicted from the Big Brother House. She played a little too hard too fast, and that scared the house. Her declarations of woman empowerment worried the men and she had to go. Only 10 houseguests remain, who will be evicted this week? Find out now, on Big Brother!
The next HoH is a Classic Dance Competition, you all know the rules.. They dance until they get tired and the last one dancing will be the winner. As outgoing HoH, Diego is not able to compete.
Staci, knowing she was in trouble puts everything she has into this competition and becomes the next Head of Household! After last week, Staci was very pissed.. It's clear she is going to be out for revenge this week. This back and forth is crazy!!
Despite their early disdain for eachother, Diego and Guy really turned their relationship around and have become pretty close now. It seems to be quite the bromance.
Seeing her relationship with Naomi as a liability, it seems Staci has put her confidence in a new set of allies. She chooses Irving (Her Showmance) and Kala as her confidants.. To increase relationships and share the perks of her HoH Room. +10 Friendship for Irving/Staci and Kala/Staci.
Kala has done a great job of playing both sides of the house. She doesn't seem to be on anyone's radar yet and has managed to outdo some of the bigger targets like Staci/Naomi on socializations due to no one suspecting her. That's two weeks in a row she has been selected by the HoH to join them in the HoH Room. Big Move for Kala.
Nominations go as expected. Staci is out for blood, preferably Diego's. But if she can't get Diego, then Guy will have to do. The war between the Women and Men continue this season. Staci will do everything in her power to see Diego go home this week.
That night, Cyrus has a heart to heart with his rubber ducky... He stole it from the first competition... He's a bit odd.. But people in the house seem to like him. He has a certain childlike Charm to him, a lot of the girls want to baby him because he's so young.
Separately, Diego and Guy both do an amazing job campaigning for themselves. If nominations stay the same this week, we will definitely see a close vote.
Cassie is fascinated by Guy and his mysterious past. She wants to know more about him to the verge of being slightly obsessed. They have a great relationship in the house. I think she wants his body.
The houseguests were completely unaware that these suspicious Diving Boards in the backyard might come in play this season. The next Veto Comp is a diving competition. If a sim messes up dive, they are eliminated. The last one standing will be the winner! Staci/Guy/Diego automatically compete in this and Alex, Cassie, Tommy are randomly selected to compete as well.
Cassie comes out as the winner of the Veto and delivers some bad news to Staci! Cassie is removing Guy from the block! She's just too close to him to leave him up there and she wants to ensure that he stays in the house this week. This means Staci is forced to name a replacement. -5 Friendship between Cassie & Staci for this inconvenience. Cassie also gains +10 with Guy for saving him from the block.
With no choice, Staci has to put up another guy to make sure a guy goes home this week and because of her Showmance with Irving and a closer relationship to Tommy.. Staci puts Cyrus up on the block next to Diego.
Cyrus being the sweet boy he is, tells Staci there are no hard feelings with her decision. He understands that he is a pawn this week and that Diego should be the one going home. Staci feels relieved to hear that.
Cassie really made some strong moves this week in severely damaging a lot of Staci's relationships by removing a nominee. But she also really boosted hers in the process, with others. This was a Big Move by Cassie.
Diego really campaigns hard to Guy/Alex/Kala to try and stay in the house this week. He makes a lot of promises to them and wants to solidify their alliance. He needs them now more than ever and wants them to campaign to the others to ensure his safety.
Going into the vote, Cyrus is confident that Diego is way too big of a threat in this house to keep. He's certain he is staying this week. Diego has campaigned but he also left a few sims with hurt feelings last week, which resulted in him becoming a target. It could be anyones game.. Who do you think is going home this week?
Last week, Diego really solidified some strong bonds as HoH and Cyrus really didn't stand a chance in this vote. With a vote of 6 to 1.. Cyrus is the 3rd Person evicted from the Big Brother House. Once again, Naomi is the odd one out on the vote and was the only one to vote against Diego this week.
This is very interesting considering Irving is in a showmance with Staci. He decided to vote with the house instead of ruffling feathers. Does Irving have ulterior motives? It seems his relationship with Staci isn't as serious as we thought. He needs to be careful, because its about that time he's going to have to pick a side.
The remaining houseguests are then informed that this will be a Double Eviction Week, and that they need to prepare for the next HoH Competition! As outgoing HoH, Staci will not be competing.
The next HoH Competition is another game of chance. Each round a reaction is set (Green Hand, Green Mist, Blue Mist, Pop Up Ghost etc) and if anyone pulls the "set" reaction.. That sim will be eliminated from the competition. This will continue until only 1 sim remains, that sim will be the next HoH!
Luck is certainly on the Radio DJ's side, Diego wins his second HoH in a row! I can't believe he won two luck comps in a row!
By no surprise, Diego places Naomi and Staci back up on the block. He's hoping that these nominations will stick this time. These girls have been a thorn in his side and he's tired of it.
The sims go right into the next Veto Comp, which will also be luck based. (I did this a lot for Double Evictions to save time back then.) This was a pretty simple competition. I just rolled 1-6 and every number I rolled would be eliminated until only one remained. Cassie/Tommy/Kala were randomly selected to compete with the HoH and two nominees.
Naomi saves herself once again!! When in danger, this girl seems to always pull it out. Naomi is clearly going to pull herself off the block, no questions asked. Sad for Staci and the house, because pretty much everyone is starting to get annoyed with her. Naomi's game has crumbled, she always votes against the house and they just want her to go now. Big Move for Naomi though, saving herself for the 2nd time while on the block.
Because Naomi once again saved herself, Diego takes another stab at Staci, putting up her Showmance Irving beside her.. Breaking up yet another alliance of hers. Diego has single handedly decimated Staci's game.
With Irving covered by allies on the other side, Staci is evicted... But this was by far the closest vote so far. It came down to a 3 to 3 split... Which meant Diego had the final vote.. Poor Staci's fate came down to her arch nemesis' vote and clearly, he was gladly going to send her out of this game. Major Move by Diego. The vote was Naomi/Kala/Alex for keeping Staci, and Guy/Cassie/Tommy in favor of keeping Irving.
It's starting to look like Diego's main girls aren't as loyal as he thinks. They wanted to keep Staci in as a target and take out a strong guy. If Diego knew about their disloyalty, they would be in trouble. These two girls are really playing the game behind the scenes and no one has really even noticed yet.
Another two houseguests down, It's time for the Top 8! With the girls alliance completely over and Naomi clearly on the outs of every single vote, bigger threats will soon start to appear. Who do you think will be targeted next? The floaters are now exposed and could definitely be in trouble now that some of the big targets have been eliminated. it will be interesting how the game turns now. Stay Tuned!!
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