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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Big Brother Season 8 Part 4

*You Can Click Above For The Previous Part!!*

*PART 4*

Previously on Big Brother... The love triangle intensified as Yusun gets caught trying to play Malcolm and Quentin at the same time. With Malcolm and Quentin also having a romantic past, this betrayal of the two people he cares about most really got to him. You could cut the tension with a knife.

Quentin makes an attempt to fix things with Malcolm but he is having none of it. Their Showmance is over and their romance plummets into the red. It looked like Malcolm had picked a side, and he chose Yusun over him.

Chad Jr became HoH in an edurance competition that lasted from morning, well into the middle of the night. This was a well deserved victory for a fierce competitor. Everyone was nervous to find out who was going up, because so far in the game, Chad Jr had been friendly with everyone in the house. Now, the lovable Chad, was going to have to get blood on his hands.

After being called out for being the Puppet Master of the house two times in two rotations, Isabella didn't stand a chance of avoiding the block. In the vote, almost all of her relationships were in the red and her days in the game were over.... Or were they?

A live double eviction put Yusun back in the driver seat and she was ready to take a shot at her biggest rival in the game, Paola. Who she's wanted out for weeks now.

But her plans were crushed by the PoV winner, Raj, who decided to go against her wishes and save Paola for his own selfish gain. This left Keisha on the block against Pawn Star Coty, who once again was on the winning side of the vote. With four sims now out of the game, the Battle Back was ready to go, and one sim was about to get a 2nd Chance in this game!!

The "Puppet Master" dominated her way through the Logic Tester Competition and that was that. Keisha, Reed and Alisha are now permanently out of the game, and the houses biggest nightmare was on her way back in. 11 Sims Remain, who will be evicted next? Find out now on Big Brother...

An absolute wildcard.. Isabella is almost certainly about to shake up the dynamic in the house. Unluckily for the other houseguests, she's safe this week and can't be nominated. But she also can't compete in the HoH Competition. Hopefully for her, this week will give her time to fix some of her fractured relationships.

Malcolm gives Yusun a sweet embrace in the kitchen following the eviction. He seems to be over his jealous fury and willing to work on rebuilding their relationship. (This could be completely a game move by him.) The shady part is that he did this right in front of Quentin, after completely destroying the relationship they once had. I guess he wants to send a message to his former fling and get him to back off.

Last Week's HoH Roll

I did not include this in last weeks episode because so much went on. But because Yusun managed to get out a major player like Keisha in the double eviction, she came out of her HoH smelling like roses. The house was pleased with the outcome and she gains +10 Friendship with the house.


In the HoH Competition, the sims were challenged to Rock Climb until they couldn't hang on any longer. The last one to remain on the wall will be the new HoH! Because this will be a Have Not Week, the winner of the HoH will be immune, as will the previous Have Nots. We will see a new band of three enter the basement this week!

I forgot to mention that Donovan has been struggling with alcoholism this season and it kept him from even competing in this competition. There's been so much drama, I forgot to even mention this. Poor Guy, he probably would've done really well at this comp.

The HoH Comp comes down to Raj and Sidney, battling it out for power and coincidentally, placed right beside each other. Who do you think is about to become the next HoH?!

Surprisingly, it's Raj who is proving to be a threat no matter what competition it is. Who would've thought Raj would win a physical competition?! Very impressive gameplay by him. He is arguably doing the best in the house right now.

After the HoH Competition, the Have Nots are decided.. and boy, what a group this is. Poor Isabella is trapped in the Have Not Room, right after returning to the game.. and to top it all off, she's locked down there with Quentin and Donovan, arguably the two most hateable people in the house. She's already had a physical altercation with Quentin, and Donovan pushes everyone's buttons, so this should be interesting. I can tell this is going to be a rough week for her. This game is really giving Isabella a kick in the ass. The one week of immunity she has, she can't even work on her relationships with the people she actually likes.

That night, Malcolm has a nice conversation with Yusun's sworn enemy while everyone is asleep. The way he looked at her as she walked away was pretty suspect.. What is he thinking?

HoH Campaigning

So excited for HollieBB's New Campaigning Rules! This is my first time getting to try them out in game. With Raj as the HoH, he will have the opportunity to chat with every person in the house. (excluding the Have Nots who are locked away) Some of these interactions will be good for peoples games and some may be bad. They could even throw their enemies under the bus. Let's find out how it plays out this week.

Sidney comes off too controlling. Raj doesn't like how she is trying to steer him in the direction of her targets, and their friendship takes a hit for it. -10 Friendship between them.

Coty and Raj just really don't click this week. Coty makes a comment to Raj that makes him rethink their relationship in the house. This disconnect costs Coty -20 Friendship with Raj. Really not good for him.

Raj and Malcolm have had a great friendship throughout the entirety of the game so far, so it's no surprise that he's willing to hear out his alliance member and what he has to say this week. +20 Friendship Gain between Malcolm and Raj.

By no surprise, Yusun has an agenda going into this meeting with Raj. She has a vendetta against Paola and wants her out of this house. Throwing Paola under the bus gets Raj thinking and this meeting makes Raj lose -10 Friendship with Paola.

Laila also sets her eyes on throwing her enemy under the bus. She can't stand Malcolm in this game and has been against him since Week 1. She still has ammo she's willing to use against him to make him look bad any chance she gets. -10 Friendship between Raj and Malcolm.

The last two sims were team players! Paola and Chad Jr both campaigned for their alliances, gaining +10 Friendship for them and their alliance members with Raj. Sadly, Chad Jr isn't in an alliance so he only got points for himself. But if he had one, he would've been looking out!

DAY 2 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whims/Have Nots

Extroverts Thrive! These sims all gain +10 Friendship with the house due to their Outgoing or Natural Performer Traits. Yusun, Sidney, Paola and Chad Jr all fell into this category.

House Divided! There is a conflict that splits the house down the middle for the next two rotations. The HoH Raj wants to stick with his alliance of Sidney and Malcolm. That leaves Yusun and Paola fighting for his last spot. Clearly last week we saw that Raj has loyalty to Paola over Yusun, after he pulled her off the block, so it was the obvious choice. Side 1: Raj/Paola/Malcolm/Sidney, Side 2: Yusun/Chad Jr/Laila/Coty. This split is beneficial to Raj's side because he's HoH. But for the rest of the houseguests, this is bad. The three most annoying sims are locked in the Have Not Room and are safe this week, which means that a good player is definitely going home on this rotation!

A 3 Oldies Alliance forms between the oldest Houseguests left in the game. This alliance includes Raj and the lovebirds, Yusun & Malcolm. This is quite the power alliance, all three of them have been playing incredible games so far, and I could see this alliance going very far.

On a whim, Laila really wanted to be Mischievous to Yusun. Yusun just smiles and nods at Laila's odd behavior. No real conflict or friendship gain with this interaction.

The Have Nots are too tired for conflict more than what's already taking place. Isabella tries her best to stay sane as Donovan and Quentin argue like children in the background.


Coty spends a little too much of his time in the Gym. This boy is always working out and doesn't socialize to the level of everyone else. But so far, his charm and good looks have helped him through the game. Coty has been on the block 3 times in 3 Weeks. How much longer will he be able to keep this up?!

In the Have Not Room, Donovan is completely over Quentin's BS and it turns physical. Quentin... Don't mess with the alcoholic!! The man really needs a drink and Quentin will not let up on him. This altercation puts them deep into the red. Quentin is almost -100 Friendship with both the other Have Nots already. This is not good for him.

DAY 2 Nominations/Nomination Rolls

With the pool of available nominations so low, Raj didn't really have a lot of options on who to put up. Especially with three sims locked away for the week. Raj nominates Laila and Coty. This is Coty's 4th time on the block and Laila's first. He doesn't really have a reason, but he has a closer relationship to Yusun and Chad Jr, therefore it's the only option for him this week. He respects both of them, but would rather protect the people who could help him down the line. Raj loses -10 Friendship with Laila and Coty for his nominations.

Laila immediately starts campaigning. She loves this game and does not intend on leaving before Jury. Laila tries to make amends with Raj, telling him there are no hard feelings, and also campaigns to her ex-Have Not Roommate Paola. She gains +15 Friendship with both of them. Good roll for her.

Coty has seen the block so many times now, I think he's getting comfortable. He doesn't seem to care enough to cry or campaign, he just takes the nomination with a grain of salt and does nothing. No Conflict Added.


Watching Sidney is pretty interesting, because it seems that she follows around whoever is in power. She seems to suck ass to make sure she isn't a target every week. Hey, I'm not knocking the girls game, it's seemed to work so far. She's doing a lot better than her father or mother ever could've dreamed of doing in this game. She's actually outlasted both of her parents.

With nominations over, it's time for the sims to let loose and relax with some drinks! A few sims get tipsy, but two boys manage to get drunk this time. Chad Jr is flirty and Malcolm is confident. What do you think they're going to get into tonight? Let's find out!

Chad Jr gets frisky with Paola in the hot tub! Is there a new Showmance in town?! These two get hot and heavy and gain +15 Romance for their first Woohoo.

Malcolm is a Stand-up Star and gains +10 Friendship with the entire house. This guy really uses his personality and sense of humor to keep these houseguests wrapped around his finger.

Another fight breaks out in the Have Not Room!! This time it's Quentin and Isabella! Quentin really seems to push those buttons and get his ass kicked. The guy is so hateable, it seems getting locked in a room with him is a nightmare.

DAY 3 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whims/Have Nots

I was so shook by the drama in the Have Not Room, I apparently forgot to do an Action for this day, sorry guys! There was No Conflict either, so we're jumping right to Alliances. A Strategy Alliance forms, with Coty as the highest fitness sim, Raj as highest logic and Paola as highest charisma. I guess all that working out was good for Coty after all. +30 Friendship between the three of them.

For the whim, Raj also wanted to be Mischievous to Yusun. Once again, she's clearly unimpressed and doesn't seem to care at all. No real friendship gain or conflict.

Donovan really struggles without being able to drink in the Have Not Room and he starts snapping on them verbally. This causes a -30 Friendship Drop between himself and the two other Have Nots. This is probably the most brutal Have Not Isolation in history. They all HATE each other.


In the Veto Competition, the sims will be competing in some Basketbrawl! They will face off in 3's and the winners of the first two groups will face off in a 1v1 for the PoV! Coincidentally, it was randomized to be Boys vs Boys and Girls vs Girls. I didn't intend for that to be the case. Malcolm/Yusun/Sidney were randomly selected to join the HoH and two nominees.

The winners of the first two groups were Coty and Laila!! The two people on the block!! Which means, one of them will be removing themselves from the block and either Yusun or Chad Jr will be going up as a replacement due to the House Divided Twist! Things are about to get crazy!

Coty finally gets his first competition win in the best time possible and saves himself from the block! Great timing for him, because I think he would've been going home against anyone he was sitting against this week!

POV Ceremony/Nomination Rolls

In the PoV Ceremony, Raj sadly has to name Chad Jr as the replacement nominee. Raj recently aligned himself with Yusun and his friendship with her was higher. Poor Chaddy Daddy is now going to be facing eviction. Is this a backdoor attempt?!

Laila chooses to start a fight with Malcolm! This girl is convinced Malcolm is just skating by and no one can see how big of a threat he is. As a super fan she's tired of people playing this game blindly and wants them to notice that there are much bigger targets in this house than her. Her relationship was already in the red with Malcolm so this didn't change much. I don't think they will ever go into the positives again.

Chad Jr is upset, he thought his relationship was closer with Raj and didn't think he'd be put up over Yusun. Chaddy just isn't having a good day and it's bumming everyone out. He loses -5 Friendship with the house.


Meanwhile in the Have Not Room, Quentin is living for their misery. He really gets off on the sadness and pain surrounding him. I guess it's not the worst place for him to be this week.

Later that night, PAOLA AND RAJ HOOK UP IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!! This includes her new boo thang Chad Jr, who's literally sitting right next to her! Gurl, what the hell are you doing?! Although, Chad oddly sims kind of into it... RAJ IS BASICALLY YOUR DAD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! What the hell is going on in my BB House guys?.. I literally can't even..

I take that back, Chad Jr definitely was not into it. Poor Chad, gets cheated on by his new fling right in front of his face. That was such a bold move by Paola.. I really don't think that was smart for her.

Chad Jr gets his revenge and take his anger out on her. YES CHAD, slap her dumb ass!

As the dust settles and the room clears out, Yusun is left with the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face. She lived for every second of Paola looking like a dumb hoe and getting slapped in the face. This was so funny.

Paola is completely mortified after what she did. Her game could be in serious danger now after that.

Meanwhile, in the Have Not Room...I just cant even guys... This rotation is too much... Right after the drama upstairs, DONOVAN AND ISABELLA ARE FIGHTING!! What the hell is even going on in my BB House?!

It seems Yusun and Coty feel bad for Chad Jr and do their best to try and cheer him up. I think Yusun wants him to ditch Paola and join her in an attempt to get her out of the house.

DAY 4 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim/Have Nots

Entertainment is Needed! Even though Chad Jr has been pretty down, he tries to always maintain a positive attitude in the game, and on life. The house loves him and his goofy personality and he gains +10 Friendship with the house. Good for him going into the eviction. (He gains +3 extra points off of this roll.)

Raj's loner trait makes him irritable, he doesn't really wanna be around people today and it gets on everyone's nerves. He loses -10 Friendship with the house.

Chad Jr being the nice guy he is had a whim to be friendly with Paola. I guess he wanted to apologize for slapping her last night and doesn't want her to be upset. He's such a nice guy. Or maybe it's strategy, so he can repair that relationship for her vote moving forward. Who knows?!

Donovan once again flips out on the other Have Nots, losing -30 Friendship with both of them. To be honest, at this point it doesn't even matter anymore. They are all -100 Friendship with each other.


Right before the final vote and eviction, ANOTHER FIGHT BREAKS OUT! This time between Isabella and Quentin. Get them out of this room before they kill each other!! We've gotta get to this eviction and next HoH before someone dies down there, lol.

DAY 4 Final Vote/Eviction

Tonight, either Laila or Chad Jr will be evicted from the Big Brother House. Both have played great games so far. Laila, the BB Superfan, has seen through Malcolm since day 1 and called him out on multiple occasions in front of the house. Will they keep her in so she can help dethrone the real Puppet Master of the game right now? Or will they keep Chad Jr, the houses sweetheart? Chad Jr has been nice to everyone in the house and has yet to make any waves. But as we seen in Week 3, he has the endurance to go all night in a competition if he wants to. Who will it be, the strategic threat or the competition threat? Either way, a big player is about to be sent out those doors. Who do you think is about to go home?!

For Laila, she gets 7 Friendship Points... She has no romance points because Isabella does not count this week.. For Alliances, she is in 3, which gives her another 6 Points, and in terms of Charisma, she's bringing in a 6... For a total of 19 Points!

Chad Jr brings in 9 Friendship Points... For Romances, he had enough with Yusun to give him 1 point and lost his romance with Paola after her betrayal. Chad Jr only has his House Divide Alliance which gives him 2 Points.. Not looking good so far for him, It's going to come down to Charisma. With a Charisma of 7.. Chad Jr Brings in 19 Points as well!!! This means it comes down to Raj, Raj has to break the tie... My heart has officially sunk.. What is about to happen?!

With his loyalty and trust in Chad Jr and his alliance with Laila's sworn enemy, it's clear that Raj would choose to evict Laila, no question. She was coming for Malcolm and Raj didn't want that to happen right now. He's playing an amazing game and obviously going to make moves to further his trust with his allies. Wow, a 19 to 19 tie and the super fan is sent packing. I honestly would've died if Chad Jr was sent home after all that drama went down. I'm so happy he stayed.

HoH Roll

I guess because of the House Divide, the house didn't think Raj had much control over the vote this week. There was No Conflict Added for his HoH Reign.

I hope you guys enjoyed this insane episode, I know I did. This rotation had me completely shook. Let me know your thoughts and comments on Twitter , Spoiler Free Please!! If you'd like to discuss the results, send me a DM. I'd love to hear what you think! Part 5 will be here soon, stay tuned! This drama is too good to miss!


1 comment:

  1. I liked Laila she just seemed happy to be on Big Brother but she deserved to go
