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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Friday, July 27, 2018

Big Brother Season 8 Part 5

*You Can Click Above For The Previous Part!!*

*PART 5*

Previously on Big Brother... It seemed a new Showmance was blooming, as Chad Jr and Paola stepped into the spotlight with some drunken fun in the hot tub.

In the Have Not Room, they were all at each others throats. Isabella, Donovan and Quentin did not mesh well at all and on their exit from the room, all three of them had -100 Friendship with each other.

With Raj in power again for the 2nd time this season, his whole week was seemingly screwed up by a House Divide. Making it very hard for him to make a strategic move. Working with all he had, he puts up Laila and Coty for eviction.

In the Basketbrawl Veto Competition, Coty finally showed up, winning his first comp and saving himself from the block. This forced Raj to put up someone he was close to. With Yusun or Chad Jr the only options for him, Yusun was not a risk he was willing to take right now and Chad went up.

With Laila outwardly targeting Raj's alliance member Malcolm, they were certain that they had the numbers to send her out this week.. But it wasn't as solid as they planned. Coming down to a 19 to 19 score, it was up to Raj to cast that final vote to evict and Laila was sent packing. It seems their alliance may not be as close as they thought! Only 10 Remain, who will be evicted next? Find out now on Big Brother!!

This week, the sims hop right into our Power Competition! In the power competition, everyone is eligible to compete. Even the Have Nots were released to play. The winner of this competition will be given a power that they can use until Final 4, where it will be null and void.

Finishing at the EXACT same time, Paola and Quentin are the Final 2 and must compete once again to determine the winner! Who do you think is about to receive the power?!

With no questions this time, it's clearly Quentin that finishes first and receives special power! His power was rolled to be the Halting Hex.. This power gives him the ability to stop any eviction up to Final 4 that would result in him being evicted. This is amazing for Quentin because he is very hated right now in the house!

Back into the house, Isabella, Donovan and Quentin must now be placed into a side for the House Divide. Because of Laila's exit last week, Two of them were randomly selected for that side and 1 for the other. As you can see above, Quentin and Isabella were both selected to join Yusun/Chad Jr/Coty. They are given +20 Friendship with that side of the house and -20 Friendship with the opposing side.

This meant that Donovan would be joining Raj/Malcolm/Sidney/Paola on their side. He gains +20 Friendship with them, and -20 Friendship with the opposing side. Also let's give a congratulations to Donovan for kicking his Alcohol Habit while locked in hell for the last rotation. It was a rough journey, but he came through it better off. He's just a little bruised and scarred from all the fighting.

For the HoH Competition we rolled Pressure Cooker. Because I don't have a backyard and teleport them out of the house for competitions, I set up some things for them to use to fill their needs if they are ready to throw in the towel. The object of this competition is to be the last person standing inside the contraption. That person will be the winner and new HoH! Because the Have Nots Isabella/Quentin/Donovan are banned from playing in HoH and Raj is the outgoing HoH, only 6 will be competing!

The rain was really doing a number on the competitors, so I tempted them further by making a comfy room for them to retreat to and use the tools provided to fill their needs. I turned autonomy off for the majority of this to make it more fair and less random. The sims with lower needs will start giving up quicker than the others and about halfway in I turned on Autonomy to see who would be tempted next.

Paola and Chad Jr give up at the exact same time, meaning Yusun, our Comp Queen, wins her THIRD HoH of the season! This girl is an absolute machine in these competitions!

Now that Quentin is out of Isolation, it looks like Yusun is already trying to reel him back in behind Malcolm's back. Has she learned nothing?! This completely blew up her game the last time, why is she still trying this?!

Meanwhile, it seems Malcolm is focused on building his lower relationships in the house and has a great conversation with Coty in private. Malcolm seems to be looking for backup plans in case his current alliances don't pan out the way he wants. He's so good.

Donovan gets a eye full of Paola in the bathtub while he eats a sandwich. She doesn't even notice him creeping. This was so creepy, I don't even know what to say... lol

Isabella is really struggling to recover after the Have Not Isolation. She can't even keep her eyes open all day.

Looks like after all the drama with Paola last week, Chad Jr may be moving on! Chad Jr and Sidney hook up and gain +15 Romance.

It seems like it was all part of Sidney's evil plan? She laughs maniacally after the woohoo, lol.

This week couldn't be more perfect for Quentin. Not only did he get the special power, but he's definitely safe this week following Yusun's HoH win. He was lucky enough to land on her side of the house. Quentin seems very lucky in this game so far.

HOH Campaigning

Now that Yusun is in power this week, we get to find out how the other sims in the house react and if they try to make any moves to better or ruin their games this week with the HoH. Let's find out how these rolls played out!

Donovan and Yusun have a great talk. He spends his time joking around about how he isn't a threat to her game in any way and she won't have to worry about him this week. +20 Friendship between them.

Quentin knew it was pointless for him to campaign this week because there is no way he's going up. So No Conflict Added.

Raj tries to convince Paola to talk to Yusun, but she knows it's pointless. She's been Yusun's main target the entire game and she knows she's going up. No Conflict Added.

Sidney knows Yusun has been working with her alliance members and just wants some reassurance that she wont be a target this week. She also wanted confirmation that Raj and Malcolm wouldn't be targets either. Yusun was very receptive and told Sidney her plans. +10 for Sidney/Raj/Malcolm with Yusun.

Much like Quentin, Isabella isn't worried because of the House Divide Twist and knows she wont be a target so doesn't bother to campaign. No Conflict Added.

Coty and Yusun have a good talk after Raj falls asleep. +10 Friendship for Coty and Yusun, No Conflict Added for Raj.

Yusun and Chad Jr have had a great friendship since the start of the game and she respects his opinion a lot. By no surprise, they have a great talk. +20 Friendship between them as well.

Malcolm feels safe this week even though he's on the opposite side of the house. Yusun is his girlfriend and he's convinced there is no way she will put him up, so he has no reason to campaign. No Conflict Added.


DAY 2 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim

Back from Have Not and ready to play, these two sims are great at keeping secrets. Quentin and Isabella gain +20 Friendship with the house for their Insider & Ambitious Traits! Great roll for both of them, they really need all the help they can get at this point.

Meanwhile, things aren't so great for this former Have Not. Donovan gets caught in a lie and loses -20 Friendship with the house. Ouch!

A Chad/Chadette Alliance is formed with the sims who have the highest fitness skill in the house. (It's funny that Chad Jr isn't included in it.) Another great alliance for Coty due to his constant working out. Maybe it is a good strategy after all. Isabella is slowly inching her way back into this game. This house needs to watch out before she gets too comfortable again, she's dangerous. Donovan really needed this alliance bad. +30 Friendship between them.

Donovan gets a whim to get to know Paola. For once it goes pretty well and Donovan doesn't start insulting her right afterwards. Good job Donovan, maybe you're learning how to interact like a normal human now!


DAY 2 Nominations/Nomination Rolls

It's time for Yusun to make her nominations for the week. Because of the House Divide Twist, she isn't eligible to put Isabella/Quentin/Chad Jr/Coty on the block. This leaves Malcolm/Raj/Donovan/Sidney/Paola as the only options. Who do you think is about to go up on the block?!

If you've been paying attention, you know Yusun can't stand Paola. She's wanted her out since Week 2 and it's very clear they have a rivalry. Yusun would love for this girl to go home this week. As for Donovan, he just got exposed as a liar to the house and isn't very trustworthy. But for Yusun, he's just a pawn this week. She's going to push hard to get Paola out of this house.

Paola already knew this was coming, she wasn't surprised in the slightest. She's just going to work hard to get the votes to stay this week and isn't worrying about the nomination. She stays quiet. No Conflict Added.

Donovan was also expecting the nomination. He knows Yusun is working with Raj and Malcolm and getting called out this week wasn't going to help him. He also stays quiet, No Conflict Added.


Sidney embraces Chad Jr after nominations right in front of his ex fling, Paola. It seems she's trying to assert her dominance in this situation and show how into her Chad Jr is.

Also, Quentin and Yusun get into a very heated argument that plummets their romance into the red. Quentin just can't seem to stop being an asshole to people.. I don't know what it is but he lives to piss people off.

Following his argument with Yusun, he laughs maniacally in the bathroom mirror. He's up to something, what is he planning?!

Raj tries to console Paola in private and tells her he has something planned this week. She just needs to trust him.

Later on that evening, Paola puts Chad Jr to the test, to see just how into Sidney he really is. He fails the test, it's obvious he still has feelings for Paola and this could get much more complicated. She better hope Raj doesn't see her doing these things when he's trying so hard to keep her in this game.

Coty has really worked to gain the respect of the power players in this house. He has solidified 3 Strong Alliances and is finally playing the game. Maybe he won't be used as the Pawn Star anymore?! It's interesting to see how he's survived the block so much and is now starting to show himself as a contender.

It's time for Drinks!! Everyone in the house is ready to let loose and enjoy themselves, some of which have been pent up in the Have Not Room and haven't had a drop of alcohol in over a week. What is about to go down tonight?! Let's find out!

Yusun gets caught flirting with Quentin, AGAIN! Malcolm is really furious this time.. She has messed up big time.

Then Quentin taunts Yusun by going in for a flirt on Malcolm that gets rejected. Malcolm is so enraged he doesn't even know how to react... Now YUSUN is pissed.

Quentin then fakes like he has rejected Malcolm's advance as Yusun isn't looking. She's now so upset.... Malcolm is so upset... Quentin's plan is working perfectly here.

Malcolm tries to follow Yusun to repair things but she has had enough. Their romance has now plummeted in the red... So for you HollieBB Fans... you know what happens next.

Malcolm breaks up with Yusun... Yikes, Quentin really destroyed their relationship out of pure jealousy, and his plan completely worked. This is MAJOR! (I just want to say, this actually did happen in the game. I know it seems crazy, but this happened completely autonomously. Aside from the breakup since you have to do that manually when their romance goes into the red. Everything that happens in this series happens on their own free will, I don't script anything, I just try to make storylines out of the crazy things they do, lol.)

Meanwhile in the hot tub, the tipsy girls join Chad Jr for a little chatting that leads to Paola blatantly flirting with Chad in front of Sidney out of spite. Sidney keeps her cool but you can tell she is hurt deep down by this show of disrespect.

Right after Malcolm breaks up with Yusun, she bangs Donovan in the Wheel Room. I'm not even exaggerating, they banged maybe an hour in game, following the break up. This girl was READY for some new D. +15 Romance for Donovan & Yusun.

Sidney gets all in her feelings after that hot tub mishap and gets a sad drunk roll.

She really wanted to talk out her feelings with Chad Jr and he was very receptive to it. He feels bad for making her feel that way. +30 Friendship between them.

Moments later, Paola goes in hard on Chad Jr to piss off Sidney even further. She locks lips on Chad so fast he doesn't even know how to react. Paola is such a bitch, I'm starting to really hate her in this game, lol.

Later on, Chad Jr is so drunk he starts flirting with Malcolm. I don't even think he knows who he's looking at anymore, he just knows he's "very flirty" at this point and anyone could be game. Malcolm and Chad Jr gain Romance Points with each other and Chad gets a Flirty Drunk Roll!

Chaddy Daddy goes for some Skinny Dip fun and gains +2 Charisma Points for it. This puts him at 9 Charisma. This was amazing for him! Chad Jr had a great night!

DAY 3 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim

The house better watch out. Another great roll for Isabella for having the highest logic in the house. "The Puppet Master" is masterfully manipulating her way back into the positives. With everyone distracted with the drama going on in the house, no one is noticing how well she's doing. +20 Friendship with the house for Isabella.

Betrayal! Coty gets caught talking behind Yusun's back and it got back to her. -70 Friendship for his Betrayal of her, and also loses -10 with Paola/Quentin/Donovan. Horrible roll for Coty, he's been doing so well lately. Luckily for him, Yusun can't put him up this week anyway and they weren't in an alliance together.

A very unexpected new alliance is formed. Spearheaded by Raj. He convinces Paola to finally campaign to Yusun and make amends over talk of food. The sims with highest Gourmet Cooking Skill enter an alliance and this includes Paola, Raj, Yusun. +30 Friendship Gain between them. Now that Yusun is aligned with Paola, Raj really pushes for her to keep Paola this week. The past is the past and no one would ever suspect them to be working together. It's brilliant. Yusun has a lot of think about.

Donovan had a whim to share his ideas with Isabella and it autonomously ended in them hugging. Aww, they have come such a long way since the Have Not Room. Who would've ever thought these two would be getting along and even be in an alliance together after that Have Not From Hell?


It's time for the PoV Competition. A Comp we've already seen once before, the Sculpture Challenge! Quentin, Sidney and Malcolm were picked randomly to join the HoH and two nominees. The first sim to complete their Horse Sculpture will be the winner!

The Comp Queen does it again!!! Yusun has full control this week for the 2nd time in a row!! After that chat she had with Raj and Paola, who knows what is about to go down in the Veto Ceremony.. Will she honor her new alliance or once again try to take out her rival now that she has a chance to do it?

DAY 3 POV Ceremony/Nomination Rolls

After thinking long and hard about her options this week... Yusun does the unthinkable and pulls Paola off the block. The entire house gasps in complete shock at this move. Yusun wanted to show Paola that she's putting the past behind her and is trusting her as a new ally. She obviously expects the same in return. They gain +10 Friendship. Yusun has no choice but to put Sidney up as a replacement after telling her she was safe this week. -10 Friendship between them.

Paola is so visibly proud of Raj for that outstanding game move. He completely manipulated Yusun into taking her biggest enemy off the block this week. This was a massive for them.

Sidney is so completely shook, she doesn't even know how to react. She's too quiet, No Conflict Added.

Donovan starts a fight! Stupidly with his new alliance member Isabella. I guess their make up was short lived.. Donovan's dumb move to cuss out his ally gets him kicked out of his only alliance. Good job Donovan!


Yusun and her closest allies try to comfort Sidney, telling her she is not the target this week and everything will be fine. She's sure Donovan will be the one going out this week.

Chad Jr is pooped, he takes a nap on the stool by the toilet. What a Chad thing to do. (He is half Liberty after all.)

Yusun and Malcolm still have an undeniable connection. Even after breaking up, they end up woohooing after noms.. I guess for old times sake.

For the first time this season, two Sims make excellent meals for the entire house to enjoy. Everyone this season has been so selfish. Quentin and Isabella both gain +10 Friendship with the house for their excellent quality meals.

Later that night, those two get into another physical fight!! Was it over the meals?! lol. These two hate each other so much. Quentin knows exactly what button to push to get Isabella's blood boiling. I can't even count how many times they've fought at this point.

DAY 4 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim/Nom Rolls

The house Hot-Heads get a positive roll this time! They both gain +10 Friendship with the house for having the Hot-Head Trait. Sidney & Paola receive this roll.

The house's Neat/Slob/Perfectionist Sims are driving everyone in the house nuts today. This includes Paola, Malcolm and Chad Jr. They all lose -10 Friendship with everyone.

I rolled Isabella for an Opposites Alliance. So because she's so serious about fitness and has the ambitious trait, I wanted to pair her with someone who didn't have a care in the world and was kind of childish. Chad Jr seemed like a perfect fit for this alliance. So these two gain +30 Friendship with each other!

Yusun has a whim to make one last attempt to get to know her One Night Stand and try to see if she can salvage this relationship before the eviction. It leads to Donovan insulting her, so I guess she gets her answer.

Once again Sidney is too quiet. She doesn't want to make any waves going into this vote so she keeps her mouth shut. No Conflict Added.

Donovan decides not to fight this time. He decides to do nothing. He's also too quiet. No Conflict Added.


DAY 4 Final Vote/Eviction

It is now time for the Final Score and Eviction. Tonight, either Sidney or Donovan will be evicted from the Big Brother House. Sidney has been teetering on the outside of the major alliance in the game and has connections with some of the most powerful players. Is she safe? Or will they take this opportunity to get out a strong player? Donovan has been ruffling feathers since the beginning of the game. He has crazy outbursts, has had physical altercations with more than one houseguest and is very unpredictable in this game. On the other hand, he isn't a threat... He hasn't won any competitions and just pisses people off, so keeping someone like that in the game is actually beneficial to the big players who could destroy him in a final vote. Who do you think is going home tonight?!

For Sidney, she has 11 Friendship Points... For Romance, she has 1 Point from Chad Jr. As for Alliances, Sidney has 1 Alliance with Malcolm/Raj & has the House Divide Alliance, giving her another 4 Pts. She has a Charisma Score of 7... Which gives her a total of 23 Points.

Donovan is quite lacking in the Friendship Department, only pulling in 5 Friendship Points... His Romance with Yusun doesn't count because she's HoH, so 0 Points there. For Alliances, he lost his Chad/Chadette Alliance out of stupidity this week, so he only has the House Divide Alliance, giving him 2 Points... And for Charisma, Donovan only has 5, giving him an abysmal total of 12 Points.

I don't think the elimination this week is going to be shocking for anyone reading. Donovan was just too much of a fire starter. He loves to rile people up and all of his good interactions were followed up with insults. He got a lot further than I expected him to, due to his horrible traits, but he was definitely an interesting character to watch and brought the entertainment! I wouldn't expect to ever see him in a future All Stars, I think he's just a little too crazy to play in a high gameplay season. 

HOH Roll

Although Yusun got a big annoyance out of the house, he wasn't really a big player. Donovan could've went at any time in the game and wasn't really a threat to anyone. So in turn, the house didn't really think Yusun did anything special this week. She gets nothing for her effort, No Conflict Added.

I hope you enjoyed this drama filled episode! A lot of crazy relationship drama went down and it was so crazy to watch. From Quentin instigating the breakup of the biggest romance in the house, to Paola strong arming Sidney over Chad Jr... This house is so crazy.. The most impressive thing this week was Raj's ability to manipulate Yusun into keeping her biggest enemy in the house. That could definitely bite her in the ass in the future. I can't wait to see what happens next! As always, let me know on Twitter how you liked the episode, and stay tuned for more, it shouldn't be long!! Next week will be the start of Jury and it will also be a Double Eviction! Get Hyped!

1 comment:

  1. I am shook at Yusan removing Poala!!!! Raj is a great player and I'm routing for him now but worried about Isabella. In my opinion Donovan deserved to go but at least he was entertaining
