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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Big Brother Season 8 Part 7

*You Can Click Above For The Previous Part!!*

*PART 7*

Previously on Big Brother... Season 8's biggest villain rose to power for the first time, and everyone was on edge. With a special power also in his pocket, it seemed Quentin was in full control of this game, no one was safe... Except for Yusun, Raj and Coty who luckily escaped his wrath as the Final Isolated Have Nots of the season!

In the Have Not Room a new romance was blossoming and it got hot and heavy real quick... and by quick I mean within the first hour of being locked away. Raj and Yusun clicked like no other sims have this season and their romance skyrocketed throughout their stay in isolation. Will it continue to remain strong or will their freedom pull them apart?!

Malcolm's rocky past with Quentin had him worried for his safety for the week, and in Malcolm fashion, he worked Quentin like no other... Managing THREE ALLIANCES with him in one week. Malcolm was all in on this. He used Quentin's feelings for him as a crutch to avoid going up on the block and now he's going to manipulate him to the end of this game. The houses hatred for Quentin would be a sure victory for Malcolm in Final 2.

In the nomination ceremony, Quentin targeted Paola and Isabella for eviction.. Isabella had no doubt in her mind she was going up, and was already prepared. She fought for her life and saved herself in the Veto Comp, forcing Quentin to name a replacement nominee. Since Malcolm and Chad had been working him all week by stroking his fragile ego, Quentin was unwilling to target the boys in the house and Sidney went up in her place.

The two girls fought hard over Chad Jr's attention, leaving him in quite an unwinnable predicament. As he was trying to be loyal to both of them, he was forced to pick a side and no matter what, one of his girls was about to go home.

In the end, it seemed his feelings for Paola we're stronger and a major player was sent out of the game in a 17 to 21 final score. But that wasn't the end of this rotation... It was time for a double eviction, and the houseguests had no time to prepare for what was to come.

In a Waterslide HoH Competition, Paola flipped her way to her first HoH Win, and she was ready to get some blood on her hands!

With Paola in control, it was clear the "Major Players" were pulling the strings. She targeted the alliance's biggest threats, Isabella and Quentin, for eviction! No surprises here. The one person that has been deemed "Puppet Master" and has fought week after week to stay in this game is Isabella, the true threat to the core alliance.

But their plans were dashed as Isabella once again won the Power of Veto for the 2nd time in a row to save herself! With Paola now in a predicament to have to put up her closest friend in the house or her alliance, she took the easy way out, backstabbing Chad Jr in fear of going against the alliance of Raj/Malcolm/Yusun/Coty.

In a heart wrenchingly close vote of 13 to 14, Chad Jr just barely escapes eviction next to Quentin. But luckily for the villain, he had his special Halting Hex to protect him, rendering this Double Eviction meaningless. Paola takes the worst HoH Roll of the season and we now move on to the aftermath. 8 Sims Remain, who will be evicted tonight? Find out now on Big Brother!!

As we return to the game, it's time for a new twist. Everyone loves a twist right? How about a Double HoH Twist, does that tickle your fancy? That's right, this week will be a Double HoH Week. Meaning TWO HoH Comps will be played and two HoHs will have to work together to decide nominations, if the time comes for that. To start with, each HoH will get to pick one person to go up on the block based on their lowest relationship. BUT, if someone comes off the block, they have to work together to decide who goes up as a replacement.. With everyone so intertwined at this point in the game, this has potential to get really messy. Also an Update: No one in the house won the lottery, so that twist is gone and over with.

Because I was having issues with the Gallery not loading while playing this rotation, I had to improvise and use my own personal challenges for both HoH Comps. Welcome to Pass The Bomb. This is probably the most complicated competition you will read about so far, but it's one of my favorites. The houseguests are lined up and the red light will be passed down the line in order. The person that the light lands on that meets or exceeds the set number amount will be eliminated until only one remains. Skip ahead to the next part if you don't want to read how the game works. For those who want to try this challenge READ HERE: This will require a lot of rolls, so pay attention. First you will roll a number between 12-30 to set a limit total that will determine who's eliminated. Ex. Our Number is rolled to be 24. Now, you will roll the number of sims competing, which would be 7 in this case. This determines who the bomb will start on each round. Ex. We roll a 3, so it would start at Quentin. Then for each sim, you roll 1-3. Ex. Quentin rolls a 2, he would then pass it to Coty and the total would start building, it's not currently at 2. Coty rolls a 3 and passes it to Chad Jr, so now the total goes up to 5. You do these 1-3 rolls until the total number reaches "24" or goes over 24, and that sim will be eliminated from the competition. You then rinse and repeat until you have your winner! (Also, I did not create this challenge, I've seen Youtubers use this and I liked it a lot. Specifically 8BitDylan, he has a Youtuber Big Brother Series and has some really creative challenges in them! It's a pretty good series.) Now after all that confusing math, let's get into the drama!

After a handful of eliminations it comes down to three. Either Isabella, Coty or Raj is about to become the first of two HoHs this week. Who do you think it's going to be?!

It comes down to Isabella and Coty, and even in a game of luck, Isabella comes out on top as the winner! This is her first HoH win of the season but she's proving to be quite a competition beast in this game. She has been on fire since her return to the game from the Battle Back Competition. She's been burned by a lot of people in this game, so her revenge should be sweet. Sadly, we're about to find out who she has to share her HoH with. That could cause some problems for her when it comes to nominations if it's the wrong person.

The next HoH Competition is Bonsai Bonanza! This competition was played in a Veto on Week 1, but I'll give you a basic run down if you forgot how it works. Basically, the sims have three bonsai trees to trim in a race to the finish. After all three trees are done, they must race back to their starting chair and sit down. The first sim to do this will be the winner!

It's a very close finish, but as you can see, the only one fully sitting and comfortable in their chair is Quentin! I guess having a Flower Arranger as a father actually paid off for him in the long run. 

I can't make this up folks, no rigging, no fakery, the two sims on the outs that absolutely hate each other must now work together as Double HoHs!! I just can't even with this drama. I have a feeling this rotation is about to get realllllyyy spicy. These are the two sims the main alliance ABSOLUTELY did not want in power. Also, The HoH Campaigning will be done a little differently since there are two HoHs. I decided I would randomize and pick 3 sims that would campaign to Quentin, and the other 3 campaign to Isabella, so it's fair to both HoHs.

HoH Campaigning

After spending a week in Isolation, stewing over Quentin's obvious scheme to break up her and Malcolm, she isn't able to keep her cool in his presence while talking game. This talk goes horribly wrong. -20 Friendship between Quentin and Yusun.

With Quentin completely in his pocket, Malcolm felt no need to focus his attention that direction. Instead, he decided to work on his relationship with Isabella and try to ensure his safety this week. They have a good talk, +10 Friendship between Isabella and Malcolm.

Chad Jr doesn't get enough time to talk to Isabella after being interrupted by Coty. He then asks if he can speak to her in private. Chad Jr being the nice guy he is, decides to let Coty steal the HoH away and gets no time to talk game with her personally. No Conflict Added.

Raj falls asleep while waiting on a chance to talk to Quentin. The talk never happens. No Conflict Added.

Paola tries to talk to Quentin to see where his head is at, and he's pissed. He's mad at her for putting him on the block in the double eviction. He almost went home and she forced him to use his special power. He's not going to forget about that, and she's stupid to think he would. Horribly Talk, -20 Friendship between Paola and Quentin.

Coty wants reassurance that he's not going to be in danger and Isabella is completely receptive. She says that their Chad/Chadette Alliance still stands strong and she's not going to let him become a target this week. They have a good talk. +10 Friendship Gain between Isabella and Coty.


DAY 2 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim

Good/Nurturing/Family Oriented Sims get a good roll today. They gain +20 with their closest ally. Paola increases with Raj, Raj increases with Yusun and Coty increases with Isabella.

A terrible roll leads to Yusun/Quentin/Coty getting -20 with the entire house due to their Non-Committal and Insider Traits. They are seen as untrustworthy. Ouch!

A temporary Girls Alliance is formed! These girls realize they are getting picked off like flies and Isabella wants to do something about it. Yusun and Paola might dislike each other, but they both agree that if they want a girl to make it to the end, they need to stop fighting and work together. We will see how long that takes. (*Cough* Two Rotations *Cough*) This alliance can't be broken and the girls will protect each other for this eviction and the next!

Yusun gets a whim to be friendly with Raj. It's starting to look like she's moved on from Malcolm, they are so close now.


DAY 2 Nominations/Nomination Rolls

It is now time for the HoH's to name their nominees. Each HoH has hand selected a target and have a multitude of reasons why they are doing what they are about to do.

Quentin is up first. He nominates Paola. She baited out his Halting Hex last week and put him in a terrible predicament in this game. He also doesn't like how close she is to Chad Jr who he wants to work with. In general, it seems Quentin doesn't want girls in this game and is on a mission to get them all out. Paola is the first person nominated for eviction this week. -10 Friendship between Paola and Quentin.

Isabella is so excited for this opportunity to make a big move in this game. She's not afraid to ruffle feathers, because she's already a massive target, and will continue to be throughout the rest of the game. With that said, she has banded together with the girls, meaning Paola and Yusun are off limits this week. Instead, it's time for someone to feel the block that hasn't been nominated the entire season. She looks over to Malcolm and tells him to take a seat. -10 Friendship between Malcolm and Isabella.

That's right, Malcolm is up on the block for the first time in 7 Rotations! A Powerplayer in this game is finally coming under fire thanks to Isabella, and this veto competition is about to get really messy. Everyone is intertwined with everyone at this point in the game, so the chance of someone being pulled off the block is so common. Both of these sims are very protected by alliances, so things are about to get very interesting!

Paola may have been confident sitting next to Sidney on the block, but she's definitely feeling the pressure next to Malcolm. This is Paola's 4th time on the block, can she really manage to stay in this house another week?! She uses Smart Strategy, gaining +5 Friendship with the entire house. Now's the time she needs to pull out the big guns to stay in this game.

Malcolm didn't expect to go up at this point in the game, but he's going to fight to stay. In Malcolm fashion, he immediately starts to campaign, and does it very intelligently. Malcolm decides to Campaign to Coty and is looking to repair the hurt he dealt to Yusun. He gains +15 Friendship with both sims.


This week couldn't have gone worse for Raj. His two main allies in this game are up on the block and all of them are shocked. How could they let Isabella and Quentin of all people get both the HoH slots this week?! There is no doubt in their minds, they have to get to work if they want to keep their alliance in tact this week!

Isabella takes notice of everyone hugging Malcolm. She seems to be the only person in this game that's on to what he's doing. She knows he's a massive threat in this game and that's why she put him up.

Yusun catches Paola flirting with Raj. She thought they had something real in the Have Not Room. Now I think she's starting to realize, maybe he was just playing her like everyone else. This isn't a good look Raj!

Look at Chaddy playing Chess, trying to get smarter. You've got a long way to go buddy, but keep practicing!

Woah! Is it getting hot in here?! Malcolm persuades Coty into some Hot Tub fun. It gets real spicy and he ends up being the first to take Coty's in house virginity. +15 Romance for Malcolm and Coty. Coty has been such a thirst trap in this house, but this is the first time someone sealed the deal. Malcolm is playing! He does not want to go home this week.

Oh god... and like clockwork, there is Quentin to try and ruin another one of Malcolm's relationships! This is the third time Quentin has tried to stir up drama in a relationship to send them into the red.

Chad Jr also saw Malcolm with Coty and he's sad about it. He knows their relationship was platonic but he feels like Malcolm is trying to replace him with Coty. Is the "Bromance" in trouble?!

For the first time, it actually looks like Malcolm feels bad for something he did. He never intended for his actions to hurt his friendship with Chad Jr. Now he's getting worried.

Late that night, Malcolm and Paola have a deep conversation about what needs to happen this week to keep them all safe. They really need to win Veto so they both have a chance of staying this week. They both seem to be feeling the pressure.

A constant in this game has always been Yusun and Chad's friendship. They really get along and lean on each other when they are down. Yusun has also been burned by Malcolm, so she want's to reassure Chad Jr that it's not his fault, Malcolm is a very selfish person in this game.

DAY 3 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim

The "Puppet Master" strikes again, pulling the strings of this rotation quite literally, Isabella gains +20 Friendship with the house. She's on fire in this game and has quickly become a front runner to win. They just can't get her out and she gets stronger and stronger every week.

Betrayal! Not good for Chad Jr. Isabella overhears Chad Jr talking about her behind her back.. Chad isn't very good at being discreet and clearly it backfires on him. -70 Friendship with Isabella. Luckily, they stay in the green, so their alliance is still in tact. Later on Raj/Coty/Paola find out about this and also lose -10 Friendship with Chad. It's hard to trust someone who has a shady side when they come off like such a sweet and innocent person all the time. Also, No New Alliance today!

Malcolm still feels bad about his falling out with Chad Jr and wants to share his insecurities with Paola about the situation. He knows she's close to Chad and wants advice on how to repair this rift between them.


Things get steamy between Chad Jr and Isabella at the pool. It starts off pretty well!

But Chad Jr is still way too sad to follow through. Poor Chad, he's so sensitive.

Seems like Coty has become quite the hot commodity in the house as of late. I mean, not surprised, look at him! But in actuality, It seems the main alliance is realizing that with Coty on the bottom of the Core Alliance's Totem Pole. If they want to make a big move in this game, it could require Coty to do it. Eventually, the alliance is going to have to start taking shots at each other.

Moments later, Yusun can't help herself but to be mean to Paola. Even though they work together in this game, these girls just can't seem to get along. Their relationship skates on such thin ice that it could break their Foodie Alliance at any moment. I'm honestly surprised it's lasted this long.

It's now time for the Veto Competition! Because we have Two HoHs this week, only two other random sims were selected to compete in this competition. Raj and Chad Jr will also be competing. This Veto Comp is crucial for the Core Alliance and the people who want to take a shot at them. No matter what happens in this competition, it's going to lead to some drama. Ughhh, It's so nerve wracking! Let's get into some Fun Run! You guys know how it works, the last person to continue running without falling or giving up will be the winner!

She does it again folks. This girl is completely on fire! Isabella wins her 3rd Veto in a row, meaning she has full power over these nominations. Malcolm came in a close second and he gave it his all, but Isabella is a workout machine and she didn't even break a sweat in this comp. She is a true Chadette that can actually win Physical Competitions!

DAY 3 POV Ceremony/Nomination Rolls

With all the power in her hands this week, Isabella once again reiterates that she is here to play this game, and if she wants to win, she has to make big moves to further herself. She's been a target since Week 3 and will continue to be a target, so with that being said, she has to ensure that the big threats go before she does.

For the THIRD TIME this season, Paola is pulled off of the block with a Veto. Isabella is bound to her in a Girls Alliance, they have a friendship over 75 and Paola has 8 Charisma. She fits all 3 criteria and therefore is saved with the Veto... So if you are a true fan, you know there are two guys in this game that Isabella is aligned to and because she is not willing to put up a girl, who do you think her target is going to be?

After consulting with fellow HoH Quentin, he agrees with her decision to nominate RAJ!!!!!! Raj gets backdoored!!!! Isabella said she was making sure a guy went home this week and she is delivering. -10 Friendship between Isabella and Raj. Oh my god, I can't even. This play is EVERYTHING. The two top dogs in this game are now on the block together and one of them is 100% about to be evicted. Are you #TeamMalcolm or #TeamRaj?! This is the biggest eviction of the entire season and probably will be for the rest of it. This eviction could determine how the entire rest of the game will play out!

Malcolm is so shook he doesn't have anything to say for once. He knows that if he wants to stay in this house, he's going to have to work hard to beat Raj. No Conflict Added.

Raj starts a fight with Malcolm! Raj isn't going to accept this backdoor and he's ready to fight to stay. He completely slanders Malcolm and all the shady things he's done behind peoples backs in this game. He throws Malcolm to the wolves in front of everyone, completely destroying their relationship in the process. This fight plummets their friendship into the red from almost full.

Paola is sad that her main ally Raj went up, but she's very thankful to Isabella for saving her. They gain +10 Friendship with each other.

Raj is here to play this game and win. He doesn't care who he has to step on to stay this week, he will do whatever he has to to save himself. Malcolm has been his closest ally, but there's no use for him now that they are about to be split up anyway. Raj just needs to keep in mind that he may need that Jury Vote.

Quentin was completely content with Raj going up. Quentin really doesn't like Raj and he didn't like how close he was to Malcolm. He loved every second of that fight because now he knows that Malcolm will lean on him in this game. That's all he's ever wanted to happen.

Isabella is destroying this game currently. She is single handedly putting cracks in the Core Alliance and making side alliances of her own. These people know how scary she is in this game and they need to do something about it before it's too late. She's on a path to the finale, and I'm not so sure she can be stopped at this point, they left her in too long to repair all of her broken relationships.

Never in the history of Sims BB has a sim been pulled off the block 3 or more times by someone else. Paola really has these people wrapped around her finger. She's deeply rooted in the Core Alliance AND has a strong relationship with the other side of the house. Love her or hate her, Paola has played an incredible social game. She's seen the block 4 times and been pulled off the block 3 times. Sure, she has enemies in the house, but she has even more allies.

After all that Veto Drama, let's get them drunk shall we?! I feel like everyone is tense and needs to let loose. We have two sims get drunk on this night. Chad Jr gets a Confident Drunk Roll and Yusun also gets a Confident Drunk Roll! Let's see how they play out!

Raj being the sneaky manipulator he is takes full control of Chad Jr's drunken state and convinces him that working with Malcolm is just going to end poorly. Raj continues to throw Malcolm under the bus, reiterating how Malcolm has ruined every relationship he's had because of his greed in this game. Raj offers Chad a place on his side of the house and as drunk as he is, it sounds great to him. Chad Jr enters a Drunk Alliance with Raj, they gain +30 Friendship!

Yusun is starting to realize that Isabella is a force to be reckoned with just like her. This girl is going after her alliance and she doesn't want to be next. After a few drinks she gets the confidence to sit her down and have a heart to heart, basically telling her that she wants to work together in this game and wants a mutual understanding that they wont go after each other. Isabella is gladly accepting any deals that come her way and it's set in stone. They enter a Drunk Alliance and gain +30 Friendship between them.

Malcolm really wants to make sure that Quentin has his back from here on out and that he will help get him out of this mess. With the three alliances he has with Quentin on top of the Core Alliances he's accumulated over the past 7 weeks, Malcolm is looking very solid going into this vote.

It's really starting to look like Yusun has moved on from Malcolm. She's completely entranced by Raj and his way with words, and her anger at him over Paola seems to have faded. The relationship they have has shifted so many of the other relationships they had going into the Have Not Isolation. It's very interesting to see how much it changed them.

Yusun has really played an incredible game. She's won 3 HoH's and 2 Vetos and is now the only sim to NEVER be nominated. For these boys getting all the credit, this dynamic shift with one of them going home could really put the girls in the driver seat heading forward. Yusun and Isabella have killed it in competitions and now they are working together. These boys better watch out.

Coty has done an amazing job of staying out of the drama in the house. As an early target, he seen the block 4 times in the first half of the game, but hasn't been nominated at all in recent weeks. He now has alliances on both sides of the house and is in a position of power that is about to become very crucial in the coming votes. Having a swing vote could completely shift the power in this house and I think Coty is about to have a lot on his plate.

A nice little bro nap together in the hot tub, is this their way of making up? We're about to head into the final day's actions and get into this eviction. I'm nervous, excited, and I can't believe this is about to go down!!

DAY 4 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim

Non-Committal sims are good at playing all sides of the house. Finally they get a good roll. +10 Friendship with the house for Coty and Yusun.

This Conflict was BRUTAL for pretty much everyone in the house. Hard To Trust- Outgoing/Cheerful/Goofball/Romantic sims lose -20 Friendship with the house. This included Paola/Raj/Chad Jr/Yusun.  Ouch!

I got Real Romance and randomized the recipient. Low and behold, Raj gets it. Very lucky considering the predicament he's in currently. Clearly, I think everyone knows who he was going to form this bond with. They've been pretty much inseparable lately. Raj asks Yusun to be his girlfriend and she says yes! This is her 2nd Boyfriend in the house. They gain romance up to 75. This is amazing for Raj going into the vote.

Yusun gets the whim and uses it on Raj. She wants to be friendly with him. These rolls are massive for Raj going into this final vote. Yusun has completely abandoned her ex boyfriend and seems to be all in on Raj staying this week.

DAY 4 Final Vote/Eviction

It's time guys! My heart was racing, I couldn't believe one of these guys was about to go home. Tonight, either Malcolm or Raj will be evicted from the big brother house. Malcolm has been a social front runner since the beginning of the game, making strong alliances that have carried him this far without ever being nominated. Raj has also been a front runner since the start of the game, becoming the first HoH as well as winning another later on. He has been known to manipulate people into doing his bidding and  has also never been nominated up to this point. These guys have played INCREDIBLE games, and I am literally shook that they are on the block together. This is going to be a crazy vote. Who do you want to stay?! (Also let me add, these guys have a lot of alliances and currently there is an issue following the most recent patch with the More Clubs Mod. I'm scared to mess up my save so I won't be able to do a run down of their alliances on this vote right now. I may go back later and rewrite them in detail, but currently I'll just be giving you a point total for these alliances. Sorry! I know this is a major vote but I'm not willing to mess up my save.)

For Malcolm, he manages 5 Friendship Points. As for Romances, he gets 1 point from Coty, his romances with Yusun/Quentin/Chad Jr all fell into the red. For Alliances, Malcolm had 5 of them, he's in a Fishing/Drunk/Opposites Alliance with Quentin, he's also in a Social Butterflies Alliance with Paola/Coty as well as a 3 Oldies Alliance with Raj/Yusun, giving him 10 points.... and for Charisma, Malcolm was sitting on 8, which puts him at a staggering 24 Points. That is a crazy high amount, is Raj going to be able to beat it?!

For Raj, he manages 7 Friendship Points.. His real romance with Yusun gives him 2 points and he managed to maintain romance points with Coty and Paola as well. Raj gets 4 Points from Romance. For Alliances, he has a 3 Oldies Alliance with Malcolm/Yusun, a Real Romance with Yusun that gives him 1 point instead of 2, a Drunk Alliance with Chad Jr, a Foodie Alliance with Yusun/Paola, and a Strategy Alliance with Coty/Paola, giving him 9 Points... and for his Charisma, Raj is at a 7. That leaves him with a total of 27 Points!! RAJ STAYS IN THE GAME!!

MALCOLM is evicted from the Big Brother House by a final score of 24 to 27. Getting thrown under the bus by Raj, getting caught by Chad Jr with Coty, and his relationship with Quentin that left a sour taste in Yusun's mouth. Malcolm was making a lot of mistakes that pissed off his Core Alliance, and they turned on him. Yusun entered a relationship with Raj, and Chad Jr entered an alliance with Raj that gave him those 3 points to push him over Malcolm. In a situation where they tied, I think Raj would've went home guys. All credit to this eviction goes to Chad Jr and Yusun for flipping on him. WOW what a crazy eviction! I never in a million years thought Isabella and Quentin would be the Co-HoHs and I sure as hell didn't think Raj and Malcolm would be sitting on the nomination block on eviction night. This was such a great rotation. A Major Player is now out of the game, and things are about to get real!!

HOH Rolls

Guys. I can't even bullshit a reason why she got this roll, but apparently the house ran this eviction and Isabella gets no credit for it. No Conflict Added. I completely disagree with this roll but I wasn't going to cheat, so there ya go, Isabella gets nothing for this incredible HoH Week. RIP

Meanwhile, Quentin, who is completely on the outs now that his one ally was sent out of the house, gets a Charisma Point for his HoH Roll. This is the first time the rolls didn't really make sense, so there ya have it. Quentin has gotten a Charisma Point for two HoHs in a row. I think he's going to need them in the coming weeks, so good for him.

I really hope you guys enjoy this rotation as much as I did. I was shook the whole time playing it and I hope it was entertaining to read. As always let me know on Twitter how you liked it, but please, especially for this one, no spoilers! This part was legendary and I want everyone who reads to be shocked! Stay tuned, I'm sure it's going to get crazier!! Thanks for all the support guys, I appreciate all of you that fan out over this series, it makes me feel really good! :)

1 comment:

  1. Quentin's obsession with Malcolm is so creepy! Probably better for his well-being that he is out. I am in shock that Raj and Malcolm were on the block, I was sure they would both make it to the end!
