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*PART 6*
Previously on Big Brother, a Power Competition kicked off the week and it was the house villain, Quentin that picked up the win. With his new power, any eviction vote that leads to him leaving the house will be frozen with the Halting Hex, rendering the week useless.
In a Pressure Cooker HoH Comp like none before it, Yusun weathered the storm and won her 3rd HoH of the season!! This meant her arch nemesis Paola was in deep trouble.. Yusun was out for revenge, putting Paola and troublemaker Donovan on the block.
After Quentin instigated a fight between Real Romance Couple, Malcolm and Yusun, the Love Triangle was finally over. Quentin got his revenge and Yusun & Malcolm were no more.
In the Veto Competition, Yusun continued her winning streak, grabbing full control of the nominations this week and we were sure she wasn't going to use it, right?
Wrong. After a masterful manipulation of the HoH, Raj convinced Yusun to join himself and Paola in an alliance that no one in the house would see coming. After Paola sucked up her pride and agreed to these conditions, Yusun pulls her biggest enemy in the house off the block and Sidney goes up in her place.
Donovan's unpredictable outbursts made him hard to trust, and with a pathetic score of 12 to 23, he is the 5th Person Evicted From the Big Brother House. Only 9 Sims Remain, who will be evicted tonight? Find out now on Big Brother!!
A New Week means new twists for the sims to endure. This week will not only be the Final Have Not Week, but it will be followed by a Double Eviction Rotation as well! There's a lot of action happening tonight! We hop right into the next HoH Competition, and it's Archaeology Scholar! The object of this challenge is to dig for the highest priced artifacts, and the person who has the highest amount. Or in the off chance of a tie, the first to finish will be the winner! The winner will also be safe from Have Nots Isolation if they haven't already been subjected to it. Either Yusun/Malcolm/Coty/Raj/Chad Jr could be selected to spend their week in Isolation. So I'm sure they all want to win this HoH Competition!
Sadly for them, Quentin has been on a roll. From winning the Power Comp to winning HoH, Quentin is completely drunk with power at this point and they better watch out because Quentin's loyalties lie with no one in this house. Maybe a break in the Have Not Room for this rotation isn't such a bad thing after all.
Following the HoH Competition, the Final Have Nots of the season are selected. Powerplayers Raj & Yusun, along with Coty. This sucks for Quentin, because I'm sure he has his eyes set on major players in this house. He lives to stir up drama and ruin relationships.
This week could be rough for Isabella. She has a tumultuous history with Quentin that has resulted in countless confrontations. I think it's a given that the proverbial "Puppet Master" will be a target this week.
Meanwhile, literally 1 in game hour into being Have Nots, Yusun and Raj bang in a bush. Their thirst most literally can not be quenched in this game. I feel bad for Coty if this is what he's stuck with for the entire week.
Chad Jr wastes no time to start working Quentin and ensure his safety this week. After a few jokes and laughs, Chad gives Quentin a big Chaddy Hug to solidify their bond. Chad Jr's social game is pretty impressive.
The Bromance of Malcolm and Chad Jr continues as they playfully flirt with each other and continue to gain romance meter. It hasn't gotten physical yet, so I'm pretty sure this is just for game purposes to benefit the both of them.
Malcolm could definitely be in trouble this week. His relationship with Quentin has been very rocky, and after he instigated the demise of his relationship with Yusun, the words exchanged between the two weren't the nicest. Malcolm is currently sitting in the red with Quentin and this may be the first time we see him go up on the block all season!
Raj is really laying it on thick with Yusun in the Have Not Room. It seems he really wants her under his thumb in this game, much like Paola. Raj may not be the cutest guy in the house, but he sure seems to have a way with words to keep these sims intrigued.
It's interesting to see just how much time Malcolm and Chad Jr are spending together with the dynamic shift of the Have Not Isolation Twist. They get along amazingly well and get major increases to their friendship/romance.
HOH Campaigning
Quentin is the new HoH and is known for ruffling a lot of feathers in the house. He isn't well liked by most so it will be interesting to see who actually campaigns to him this week and who doesn't. Let's find out!
Sidney and Malcolm would rather spend their day sleeping than to campaign to someone like Quentin. They have no interest at this point to try and defend their place in the house to a crazy person. No Conflict Added.
Isabella is very open and honest with Quentin and convinces him that she really wants to work on this and make an effort to get along. She thinks putting her up is a mistake, and pushes hard for him to target someone else. Quentin in the moment seems very receptive to it, and says he doesn't want to fight with her anymore either. Great Talk +20 Friendship Gain.
Paola and Chad Jr both pull Quentin aside together and want to offer short term deals to ensure their safety this week. Quentin is always down to listen to offers that will further his game. He has a good talk with both of them and they gain +10 Friendship with the HoH.
DAY 2 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim/Have Nots
Paola and Malcolm both get +10 Friendship with the house for their Genius and Creative Traits!
Betrayal! Malcolm caught Paola talking about him behind his back and he wasn't happy about it. This plummets their friendship by -70. Chad Jr/Isabella/Sidney were also around to see this and she loses -10 Friendship with them as well.
Realizing this is a game, Malcolm finally gives in and decides to forgive Quentin for the drama he stirred up. He tries to appeal to what little part of Quentin actually cares for their relationship and manipulates him into an Opposites Alliance. This gives them a +30 Friendship Boost, which Malcolm desperately needed. This is major for his game. (I randomly rolled Malcolm for this alliance and felt that due to Quentin being a workaholic and Malcolm having the lazy trait, they were very opposite. Also, Malcolm knew he was in danger this week so obviously he would want to try and repair his relationship with Quentin to save his ass.)
This was the day of Malcolm. He gets the whim for Day 2, which was to Get To Know Chad Jr more. They have another great chat. Malcolm has really built a great relationship with Chad Jr out of no where. He is an incredible Social Player in this game.
In the Have Not Room, Raj as a Genius, has plenty of time to contemplate his moves in the game and what he's going to do next. He gains +1 Charisma point.
As always, Sidney is there to butter up the HoH to make sure she isn't a target. She has a good chat with Quentin and makes him laugh.
Have Not is actually pretty beneficial to Coty. He didn't have the highest relationships with Raj or Yusun, so now he has an opportunity to build those bridges. As a loner, he doesn't have anywhere to hide down here, so he's forced to interact and get his relationships up.
The war for Chad Jr wages on as Sidney tries to piss off Paola by embracing Chad in front of her.
But Paola isn't intimidated. She knows how much Chad Jr likes her, and does the exact same thing moments after Sidney leaves the room.
DAY 2 Nominations/Nomination Rolls
Quentin is a wildcard, and having him as the HoH has the entire house on edge. He's unpredictable, evil, and loves to watch them all suffer. So who do you think Quentin is going to target this week?
After Malcolm's incredible manipulation of Quentin and his past feelings for him, he manages to avoid an almost certain nomination this week. We all knew Isabella didn't have a chance of staying off the block with Quentin as the HoH but when it came down to Sidney & Paola, it was extremely close. Only 4 Friendship Points separated the two and Paola goes up next to Isabella. -10 Friendship Points with the nominees to the HoH. Let's see how they react.
Isabella was already prepared for this. She knew there was no way she'd be avoiding the block with Quentin as HoH, so she just takes it like a champ and lays low. No Conflict Added.
Paola is no stranger to the block. She knows she has the power to change things around and get someone to take her off the block, it's already happened twice now. She stays quiet, No Conflict Added.
Great Job by Sidney. That breakfast conversation with Quentin really pushed her over Paola and kept her off the block this week. The difference between the two for nominations was almost nothing, so her ability to stay on the HoH every week seems to be paying off.
Almost immediately after nominations, Isabella gets to work. She bangs Sidney and gains +15 Romance Points. This girl is here to play and she's going to do what it takes to stay this week.
Meanwhile, things get hot and heavy in the Have Not Room as well. These two can't keep their hands off each other down here. They makeout by the Stinky Pee Bush. I guess since they have nothing better to do down there, they can at least bang one out right?!
Coty is clearly the third wheel in this Weird Have Not Romance. He's just completely checked out at this point.
Wasting no time, Isabella is on a roll. She bangs Chad Jr too!! She is on a mission to get those points and she doesn't care what she has to do, she's staying this week!
Sadly, her thirst is a little too real. Sidney is completely upset at both of them for this "betrayal" (even though she's been a hoe too.) and she loses romance with both of them. Isabella's Romance with Sidney is almost completely gone as soon as she gets it.
Clearly Sidney is more upset with Chad Jr than she is with Isabella. She's been with Chad for much longer and expected more from him.
Clearly, Paola gets a sick satisfaction out of seeing Sidney upset. She's such a mean girl.
Later that night, Paola continues to cast her spells on Chad Jr to keep him interested. She doesn't seem to care that he's been sleeping around, as long as he is entranced by her in this game, that's all that matters.
It's time for drinks!! After noms, the sims love to let loose and these nights have led to some insane drama. Who do you think is getting drunk tonight? Let's find out!
Malcolm pushes his relationship with Quentin even further. He gets a Confident Drunk Roll to start a New Alliance with Quentin. He tells Quentin that he still cares for him and wants to work with him in this game. Quentin, being a sucker for Malcolm since Week 1, falls for it Hook, Line, & Sinker. Another +30 Friendship Gain for them. In actuality, Malcolm knows Quentin is hated in this house and taking him to the end would be a sure win for him with the Jury. This was the only Drunk Roll on Day 2.
DAY 3 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim/Have Nots
Sidney gets an excellent roll for having the highest Mischief Skill in the house. She gains +20 Friendship with everyone.
Sadly for Sidney, she loses those points instantly as she joins Isabella and Quentin in a horrible Conflict Roll that includes Evil/Snob/Mean Sims. -20 Friendship with the house for all three of them. Ouch!
Guys, I can't make this up. Malcolm and Quentin get ANOTHER alliance!! Three Alliances for the two of them in one rotation. They roll a Fishing Alliance and are the two with the highest fishing skill in the house. It's starting to look like Malcolm is officially all in on this game move to take Quentin to the end of this game. Another +30 Friendship Gain for the two of them.
Quentin really wanted to be mean to Paola for his whim. I tried to give him something good but that's all that was coming up, so I let him do it. I think Quentin doesn't like that she's so close to Chad Jr and wants her out of the way of their friendship. Watch out Paola, he has a history of destroying relationships.
Yusun finally lets the Have Not Room get to her. She's completely distraught and filthy. She literally can't even. Because of this emotional breakdown, she loses -30 Friendship with both Raj and Coty.
For the PoV Competition, it's going to be Logic Tester! If you're wondering why it looks different, I had to wall it in because it's winter in my BB World and I can't have my sims freezing to death out there in a blizzard. If you've been reading you know how Logic Tester works. One of three categories is randomly selected and the person with the highest skill in that category advances.
With the competition coming down to a mix of Rocket Science and Logic in the final round, Isabella manages to outwit Paola by 2 points and save herself from the nomination block! Isabella is on a roll, I bet they are really wishing she didn't win the Battle Back now. They can't seem to get her out of this game!
DAY 3 POV Ceremony/Nomination Rolls
Because Isabella saved herself from the block, Quentin is unwilling to put up either of his boys. This means Sidney is the only option to sit next to Paola. -10 Friendship between Quentin and Sidney. Now, one of Chad's girls are going to go home. This is a major play by Quentin. A big player is for sure going out the door this week and it's clearing the way one step closer to having Chad Jr to himself. (So he thinks)
Paola isn't shaken to be up against Sidney, she feels superior to her in this game and thinks she has the votes to stay. She's quiet, No Conflict Added.
Sidney feels the same way. She has made strong connections in this house and thinks people don't like Paola and she will easily beat her in the Final Score. No Conflict Added.
Both girls fight over Chad's attention, trying to fight for his vote. Chad Jr has no idea what's going on or what he will do when it comes down to the Final Score. No matter the outcome, Chad Jr is losing a strong ally this week.
Moments Later, Quentin is at it again and flirts with Chad in front of Paola. This pisses her off so much she starts cussing out Chad and insults his woohoo techniques. ONCE AGAIN Quentin plummets a romance into the red for his own personal gain. I can't tell if he's a genius or just an asshole. (I know it's crazy, but I swear to you this happened autonomously, lmao. Quentin flirted with Chad Jr and Paola got Jealous. Chad Jr then tried to flirt with Paola but she was not having it and started insulting Chad's Woohoo Techniques. It was insane.)
Quentin comforts Chad Jr after Paola storms off. It really does seem like Quentin's plan is to destroy these girls so he can have Malcolm and Chad Jr to himself.
Paola is in quite the predicament now. Her Hot-Headedness led to a fight with her main ally in the house and she destroyed the romance she'd be working so hard on with Chad. With Raj locked in the Have Not Room, will Paola be able to survive on the block without his help?
Sidney randomly decides to bang Quentin AFTER he puts her on the block.. Um, maybe you should love yourself? Isn't it a little late for this considering this won't do anything for you now?! His relationship won't even count in the vote. +15 Romance between them.
More drinks go out after the PoV Ceremony! Who's going to get drunk tonight?!
Isabella and Paola bond over drinks in the hot tub, but only Isabella gets drunk between the two. She gets a Confident Drunk Roll.
The Bros are also getting drunk tonight, what do you think they are going to do?! Malcolm and Chad Jr are both confident, so they also get Confident Drunk Rolls.
Isabella is a Stand Up Star and her drunken jokes are cracking up the whole house. She gains +10 Friendship with everyone.
Malcolm is convinced he's the fan favorite this season and chats it up with the cameras. No Conflict Added.
Chad Jr takes this opportunity while Raj is in the Have Not Room to call him out as the best player in the house. Everyone seems to consider his point and think about it. Raj loses -10 Friendship with everyone outside of the Have Not Room.
In the Have Not Room, everyone is really struggling. It's not easy, all they have to eat is fruit cake and can't even sleep on a bed. It's literally hell. But at least they are smart enough to get in fights every two seconds. These three actually got along really well this week.
Right before Day 4 Actions were about to start, I get this Event Notification! It's The Lottery!! I will be using this as a Special Power Competition.
Every Sim in the house was given a Lottery Ticket and a 2 AM, following the Double Eviction, we will find out who is going to be the winner. Because this event is world wide, there is a chance no one will receive this. BUT, in the off chance that someone still in the house manages to win The Lottery, they will be given then unused Diamond Veto, which will stay with them until The Final 4. It's a pretty low chance they will win, but having that kind of luck deserves a reward. Also, anyone that is evicted will not receive anything if they win after being evicted. Their ticket will be no longer active in the game. So let's get excited! I'll keep you updated on who in the world wins it!
DAY 4 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim/Have Nots
Because Coty was locked in the Have Not Room, Isabella gets another great roll for herself. She's the highest fitness of all the sims not in isolation, she receives +20 Friendship with the house. "Better to leave a physical threat in as a target for right now."
Because of their Perfectionist/Neat/Slob Traits, Malcolm, Chad Jr and Paola have been irritating the rest of the house. -10 Friendship for all of them with the house. Also, there are no new alliances today.
Because of their low relationship, Isabella got a whim to be friendly with Malcolm. This was great for her because their relationship was still slightly in the red from her horrible Puppet Master Rolls from weeks ago. She doesn't really talk to Malcolm, so getting him in the green for that extra point in the future could be greatly beneficial. I think Malcolm is still a bit weary of her and fears her in this game.
The Have Nots are just way too tired to have any conflicts. They are really struggling and ready to get out of this prison for good. No Conflict Added.
DAY 4 Final Vote/Eviction
Tonight, two rivals sit on the block. Both girls have made strong connections in the house and have played great games, Paola has aligned herself with the power players in the house and has been pulled off the block by allies twice so far in the game. This is her first time facing a vote without Raj here to support her, can she survive with her main ally locked in isolation? Sidney has been more of a middle ground player. She's made strong alliances and connections in the house and has overall avoided the block for the majority of the game. Last week, she dominated Donovan in the Final Score so we know she can pull a large amount of points. Can she get her revenge and send out the mean girl that's been terrorizing her in this house? I'm sure it would be quite an amazing feeling to take Paola out tonight. Who do you think is about to be evicted?! In my opinion, this is the first major eviction of the Season and will mark the first member for the Jury!
For Sidney, she gets 6 Friendship Points.. As for Romance, she had a sliver with Isabella after the drama went down, so she maintained that 1 Point. Sidney was in a Mischief Alliance with Raj and Malcolm, giving her another 2 Points.. And as for Charisma, Sidney was bringing in an 8, giving her a Total of 17 Points.
For Paola, she gets 6 Friendship Points... As for Romances, Quentin destroyed her romance with Chad and Raj is locked in isolation, so she gets 0 Points there. In Alliances, Paola has a Foodie Alliance with Raj & Yusun, a Strategy Alliance with Raj & Coty and a Social Butterflies Alliance with Malcolm & Coty, giving her an extra 6 Points. She also brings in 9 Points from Charisma giving her a whopping 21 Points. This girl is looking to be a major threat in this game with all of those alliances, it's pretty obvious who's going home.
First of all, that jacket is so hideous, it was randomized and I couldn't change it. Secondly, I'm sad to see Sidney go. She had a very low key game that would've worked in earlier seasons, but I think it's getting down to the sharks that will stab each other in the back to win. There's just no place for a floater this season. The winner is going to have to make major moves to make it to the end because everyone that's left wants it bad, and I honestly don't think she could've won. Sidney is the first member of our Jury, meaning all current alliances will stand all the way up to Final 2. These alliances will be used to help decide a winner! ALSO, a major change to the normal HollieBB Rules that she may implement in the future. This Season will feature my Vote Majority that I've been using since the First Season. This means that for every Jury Member, the sim in the Final 2 that they have the higher relationship to will get a point from them. The sim that receives the most points in this vote will gain Jury Majority and gain an extra +3 Points on top of their Final Score that will determine a winner! A good player that doesn't receive the Vote Majority can still win, but this will give strong social players a better chance at winning the game!
HOH Roll
Because Quentin did manage to get a major player out on his HoH, the house was happy, even though they don't want to admit it. This great week ended up giving Quentin a much needed +1 to his Charisma.
Following Sidney's eviction, the four remaining sims that are eligible to compete for HoH will be doing a Waterslide Competition to determine the Double Eviction HoH. It's time for a full week of Big Brother in one night. Because it's so fast, there will be no time to strategize and no Charisma Points to protect them. The Have Nots can not compete in this competition and neither can Quentin as the outgoing HoH. The Have Not's will be returning to the house following this comp and will be eligible for nominations. In this competition the sims will trick slide 3 times, each slide counts for a different point amount depending on how hard the trick is to do and the sim who receives the highest amount of points will be the winner!
With no competition, Paola manages two front flips that give her 6 Points that automatically had her double the score of every other competitor. From the block to power, what is she going to do this week?!
Following the HoH Competition, the Have Nots must now join the others for the instant Nomination Ceremony. The Have Not Twist is now officially over for the rest of the Season!
Due to Paola being intertwined with so many sims left in the house, she only has three options to put on the block. Those being Isabella, Chad Jr and Quentin. Who do you think Paola is going to put up?!
By no real surprise, Paola puts Isabella & Quentin up. These two are no stranger to the block and Paola was not willing to put up Chad Jr, they are just too close for that. -10 Friendship between the nominees and the HoH. Because this is such a fast paced Live Double Eviction, the nominations don't get a nomination roll. We are moving right into the Veto Competition!
Because the sims REFUSED to eat standing up in this Nasty Food Challenge Veto Comp, I had to build them comfy sofas to sit on while they ate... They are so spoiled this season!! Coty, Malcolm and Chad Jr were selected to join the HoH and two nominees for this comp. In the Nasty Food Challenge you set the Lot Trait to Grody so they get sick from eating the food easier. Then have them keep eating until only one is left standing without getting sick!
It comes down to Chad Jr and Isabella and she once again saves herself from the nomination block for the 2nd time in a row! They should've got her out while they could, because now she's on fire! Clearly Isabella was taking herself off the block, which means Paola only had one other option to put up. Do you remember who?
Paola puts up Chad Jr next to Quentin. She was aligned with everyone else, so he was the only choice. As much as she hated doing it, she had to. -10 Friendship between Chad Jr and Paola. Now it's time for the Final Score/Eviction. Either Quentin or Chad Jr will be going home. Quentin is sitting on a special power, so if he is the one evicted, his power will be activated and he will remain in the game for another week! If Chad Jr is evicted, Quentin will keep his power to use for another day! Who do you think is going home next?!
For Quentin, he gets 5 Friendship Points, pretty low considering the entire house is back to voting.. He gets no romance points because he destroyed his relationships with Malcolm/Yusun and Sidney is now out of the house. 0 Points there. For Alliances, Quentin managed a staggering 4 Alliances. He has an Opposites Alliance with Raj, an Opposites Alliance with Malcolm, a Drunk Alliance with Malcolm and a Fishing Alliance with Malcolm. This gives him 8 Points!! Quentin does not get to use his Charisma Skill because of the Double Eviction Twist, so 0 Points there. This puts Quentin at a total of 13 Points. Chad Jr is only in one alliance, this isn't looking good for him!!
Chad's lovable personality racks in an insane 9 Friendship Points... Also, he has been busy in the bedroom and gets a Romance Point from Isabella, Malcolm and Yusun. Giving him 3 Points there. For Alliances, he's in one Opposites Alliance with Isabella, giving him another 2 Points. With Charisma not a factor in this Double Eviction Twist, he finishes with a total of 14 Points! Meaning Chad beats Quentin by 1 Point!
Sadly for Quentin, his Halting Hex is flushed out of the game. This Double Eviction is for nothing, but at least the villain is now vulnerable. Can Quentin manage to weasel his way to the end or are his days finally numbered?! You'll have to wait until the next episode to find out!!
HOH Roll
Paola gets the worst HoH Roll of the season. The house isn't pleased with her choices, and it led to nothing happening since both of the big targets for their alliance stayed. She loses 1 Charisma Point, dropping her to 8 and also loses -20 Friendship with the entire house. Ouch! Maybe she shouldn't have one this HoH Comp.
Hope you enjoyed this episode! As always let me know how you liked it on Twitter, Spoiler Free Please! Or feel free to DM me if you wanna chat about the results or have any other questions! Stay Tuned, this Season just keeps getting crazier and crazier. Now that we are down to the major players, I'm expecting to see some shocking backdoors happening soon! Can't wait!
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