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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Monday, July 23, 2018

Big Brother Season 8 Part 3

*You Can Click Above For The Previous Part!!*

*PART 3*

Previously on Big Brother... A messy Love Triangle got even more complicated as Malcolm's former fling, Quentin, found out about his new romance with Yusun. This drama went on for the entire week, with Yusun even hooking up with Quentin as well. This relationship is so messy I don't even know how to explain it.

Like Oil and Water, Donovan and Keisha continued to clash. Even though she made attempts to reconcile, Donovan just keeps pushing her buttons in the wrong way. He seems to get a thrill out of pushing her buttons.

Not only did Yusun's drama rule over this rotation, but so did her gameplay. She won the HoH and the Veto, ensuring that her target Reed stayed on the block next to Coty and nominations would not change.

With Laila, Paola and Sidney locked in the Have Not Room, their votes were taken away.. Which led to a 12 to 17 final score and Reed's exit from the game. Reed will be given a chance to fight his way back into the game, in a Battle Back Competition later on. After Donovan's last minute betrayal, I'm sure their reunion would not be pleasant if he comes back. 12 Houseguests Remain, who will be evicted next? Find out now on Big Brother...

With Reed now locked in sequester, he has time to mull over how he got played by his closest ally in the house. He made attempts to make a few connections last week but overall, I think the house will be very upset if he comes back in. He was explosive and mean, and he really didn't get along with most of the cast.

The Have Nots will be rejoining the game AFTER the HoH is played. Because they had immunity this week from eviction, they don't get to play in the next HoH, but they will be vulnerable to nominations. Also, because they have been Have Nots once this season, they will not be picked again for Have Nots. So next time, a new batch of three will be entering the damp basement of sadness and boredom.

The remaining above ground sims battle it out in a Meditation Competition for the HoH. This excludes Yusun, as she is the outgoing HoH and will not be able to compete. Spoiler Alert, This Competition went on all day and all night in an epic showdown. (Because Meditation is BROKEN for High Wellness Sims, they barely lose any of their needs and can meditate for days. Do NOT do this competition!! I did mention it to HollieBB, so I'm sure she will be changing it soon. Just take my advice and skip The Meditation Comp if you roll it.)

Four Sims hold strong all day long in an attempt to win the HoH! What Competitors!! This included Malcolm, Donovan, Quentin and Chad Jr. Because I realized this competition was never going to end with these four boys, I switched it to Yoga. In the Yoga Competition, they will practice poses until only one Sim Remains. Also, if any sim stumbles and doesn't perform their pose perfectly or falls down, they will be eliminated as well.

After a nail biting duel between Chad Jr and Quentin came to a close in the wee hours of the night, Chad Jr pulls out his first competition win and becomes the new Head of Household!! Chad Jr has played a really good social game so far and has made friends with pretty much everyone in the house. It will be very interesting to see who he targets this week. Following this competition, nothing really happens, it was too late in the night to witness any drama so everyone just went to bed.

But something great did happen for the girls locked in the Have Not Room. Immediately following the HoH Competition, the girls are released from their prison and return to the game!! Right on time for the next set of rolls. I wonder how the dynamic will change now that they are back in the house.

DAY 2 HoH Roll/Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim

Chad Jr is so excited to be HoH, but he doesn't really plan to make any big waves this week. He keeps his plans close to his chest and doesn't want anyone know what he's planning to do. No Conflict Added.

As the only Gloomy sim in the house, Yusun once again gets to increase her relationship with her two favorite boys. She gains +10 with Chad Jr and +10 with Malcolm. Yusun is looking pretty safe this week with the HoH, they are very close.

Isabella is in serious trouble this week.. She has once again been called out as the Puppet Master and the house is convinced that she's being shady behind the scenes. Her intimidating physique doesn't help.. She's just too threatening for the rest of the house and takes another -30 Friendship Hit with everyone. This is horrible for her, she has almost every friendship in the red now. She has a lot of work to do if she wants to stay in this game, because these rolls are killing her.

Malcolm and Raj land another alliance for themselves, this time with Sidney. The sims with the highest Mischief Skill band together. All three of them gain +30 Friendship between them. Raj and Malcolm are the true threats in this game.

Sidney also gets a whim to flirt with the HoH, but it's awkward, he doesn't really bite. Don't look too desperate Sidney, it's not cute.


DAY 2 Nominations/Nomination Rolls

Chad Jr is in charge this week and didn't tell anyone what he was going to do. Everyone seems more worried about this ceremony than any before it. With Chad Jr, you don't really know what he's thinking, or the logic behind his decisions.

Chad Jr decides he wants to please the house, and the best way to do that is to nominate the person everyone thinks is the Puppet Master in this house... That person is Isabella. Because they haven't really talked as much as everyone else in the house, Chad Jr puts up Quentin as a pawn as well. Quentin and Coty seem to be the Pawn Stars this season. Chad Jr loses -10 Friendship with Isabella and Quentin for these nominations.

For her Nomination Roll, Isabella tries her best to start mending some of the fences that were town down and uses Smart Strategy to gain +5 Friendship with the house. If she wants to stay, she is going to need a lot more than that though.

Quentin hoped that after he avoided the block last week, that he wouldn't be targeted anymore. This nomination really upset him and he whines, annoying the house. He loses -5 Friendship with the house.


That night, Drinks are placed, but no one seems interested. Everyone is more concerned with game this week it seems.

After she promised Malcolm last week that she would be faithful to him and entered a Real Romance with him, she can't seem to shake her hoeish ways.. Her and Quentin have another woohoo, this time in the Hot Tub.

Stupidly (just like her mother, I can't make this up!!) she does it where Malcolm can see!!! Malcolm is soo upset, especially after they just vowed to each other that they wouldn't be doing that anymore. She gets a hard slap to the face.

The rest of the night, Malcolm stomps around in a jealous fury, completely betrayed by Yusun.

DAY 3 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim

Extroverts Thrive! Quentin, Paola, Yusun, Sidney and Chad Jr all gain +10 Friendship with the house due to having the Natural Born Performer or Outgoing Traits. There were no Conflicts or Alliances on Day 3.

Coty gets a whim to be nice to Malcolm, but it really doesn't go well. Malcolm just takes his aggression out on Coty. He's still really upset with Yusun the next day.

The Veto Competition is a new competition that was added after Seasons. The Presents are Color Coded and you will roll to see which color each competitor gets to choose from. Once you pick a gift, pull it off the Tree Skirt and have them open it. (They can't interact with the gifts on the Tree Skirt, so you have to drag it off.) The Sim that fetches the most expensive gift will be the winner!! Yusun, Coty and Sidney were randomly selected to join the HoH and two nominees for this comp.

After rolling the same color, a fight breaks out between Quentin and Isabella, the two nominees. (This happened autonomously.) I guess they both wanted the same gift and were wrestling it away from each other!!

And it seems they were right to do so... Quentin wrestles away the gift and gets an expensive Microwave, easily the highest priced gift under the tree! Quentin saves himself from the nomination block!!

Before the nomination ceremony, Yusun gets caught flirting AGAIN! This time with Chad Jr!! This girl is such a desperate mess. She's been slapped so many times I don't think she can think straight anymore. How is she getting away with being such a ho? It must be the Nayeli magic.

POV Ceremony/Nomination Rolls

Because Chad Jr doesn't want to make any waves this week, he puts up the other guy that's been used as a pawn multiple weeks in a row next to Isabella, and that's Coty. Coty has struggled to solidify any strong bonds this season and therefore, isn't really a risky move for a nomination. Chad Jr loses -10 Friendship with Coty for the replacement nomination.

Isabella seems shooketh. She is either pissed or checked out.. She decides not to say anything. No Conflict Added.

Coty is pretty confident he can stay this week sitting next to such a huge target and decides to campaign to Raj and Sidney. He gains +15 Friendship with both of them. Great roll for Coty.


Later that night, after nominations, it looks like Isabella is getting desperate, and bangs Raj in the closet. Which is pretty funny, because Reed did the same thing when his game was in jeopardy. Why does everyone go to Raj when they feel desperate?! Raj, The Desperation Whisperer.

DAY 4 Actions/Conflicts/Alliances/Whim

Romantic and Cheerful Sims once again get a good roll. This includes Laila, Donovan, Yusun, Raj and Keisha. They all gain +10 Friendship with the entire house.

Keisha's Hot Headed trait puts her at odds with Yusun. She's disgusted by her hoeish activity in the house and tells her how it is. Yusun tries to explain herself but Keisha is having none of it. These two argue into the red.

Quentin and Laila enter a Fishing Alliance for having the highest fishing skill in the house. They gain +30 Friendship between the two of them.

After Yusun's betrayal of both of them, Quentin gets a whim to try and fix things with Malcolm.. But Malcolm is still just as pissed at Quentin as he is with Yusun. I don't know if these two can come back from this. Their Showmance breaks up because thee romance drops well into the red. Horrible Whim for Quentin.


DAY 4 Final Vote/Eviction

It's time for the final vote and eviction. This week, either Isabella or Coty will be leaving the Big Brother House. Has Isabella been able to repair her severely fractured relationship with the house to stay another week? Or will Pawn Star Coty once again survive an eviction night on the block?! Who do you think is about to go home?!

By a score of 18 to 20, Isabella is the third person evicted from the Big Brother House. This girl did everything she could with the cards she was dealt and STILL almost tied Coty's score. Two Puppet Master Rolls meant she lost -60 Friendship with everyone in the house between two rotations. She was sitting on 10 Logic and 10 Charisma, so it was no question she was a massive threat in the house and they needed her out. Unluckily for them, she WILL have a chance to come back in the Battle Back, and if she can somehow get her relationships out of the red, she could definitely have a chance at winning this game under the right circumstances.

HOH Roll

Chad Jr has a good week as HoH. The house is pleased that he went along with their wishes and were happy to see Isabella go this week. Chad Jr gains +10 Friendship with the house. A Great HoH for him!

Well I hope you enjoy this episode..... Oh wait, I forgot to mention... This is a Double Eviction Week!! A full round of Big Brother is being played in one night and this time, the people in the final vote will not have their Charisma Skill as a crutch. In a double eviction, Charisma Skill isn't factored into the vote, which means only Friendship/Romance/Alliance will matter. Who's about to join Isabella as the 4th Person to be evicted!! *This was my stopping point for when I took a break from this season, and from now on, all of the updates will be done live as I play the game.. I'm so excited to hop back into the drama!*


Heading right into the next HoH Comp, the houseguests were surprised by the Double Eviction news, and all fought hard for the HoH (Minus Sidney) in a Sculpture Challenge!! Can you spot the winner?

That's right, our girl Yusun wins her 2nd HoH of the season!! This girl is on a roll in competitions. Can't say as much about her personal life though. It's a mess.

With absolutely no time to think, Yusun has to name two houseguests to face eviction on the spot. Because of the past drama she's had with two particular sims, her choice isn't very hard. Have you been paying attention? Can you guess who she's putting up?

That's right, Paola and Keisha are nominated for eviction. On Week 2, Yusun wanted Paola out of this game. They got in a heated argument in the hot tub and she was being a total brat. Yusun doesn't want that kind of energy in this house. Also, earlier this week, Keisha basically called Yusun a hoe and their argument pushed their friendship into the red. Both of these girls are coming for her, and she wants to get them before they get her. They don't get nomination rolls because there is no time for them to campaign, we are hopping right into the Veto Comp!!

The Veto is Bowled Over! The six competitors are split into groups of three. Malcolm/Raj/Paola & Yusun/Keisha/Coty. The winners of the two heats will face off 1v1 to determine who will be the winner of the PoV!!

The final two competitors are Raj and Yusun.. When it comes to bowling, Yusun was no match for him. Raj dominated both heats and wins his first PoV of the season! His resume is looking pretty nice so far.

In the PoV Ceremony, Raj talks up Paola and how close they've become in this game. He isn't ready to see her go. He thinks this is a good experience for her and doesn't want to see her leave yet. He has kind of a fatherly relationship with her (I think) and wants to see her grow as a person more. Because they had a 100 Friendship and Paola has a Charisma of 9, it only made sense that he wouldn't want her to go.

Yusun is completely shooketh as Paola walks off the nomination block and smirks back at her. This is not what she wanted to happen at all. Because Raj betrayed her, knowing she can't stand Paola, Yusun loses -10 Friendship with Raj. Raj would gain +10 with Paola, but they are already maxed.

She didn't want to have to do this again, but she has no choice but to put Coty up in her place. This is Coty's 3rd time on the block on eviction night... IN A ROW! Give this poor boy a break. This replacement nomination gives Yusun another -10 Friendship Points with Coty. No time to waste, it's time for the Final Scores and Eviction. Because I'm now back to playing live, I can do a point breakdown for you all, so are you ready to find out who goes?!

Coty manages to pull in 8 Friendship Points... So far he has no Romance Points in the house. For Alliances, Coty is in one alliance, Social Butterflies with Sidney and Malcolm, which gives him 2 more points. Since it's a double eviction, his Charisma Score will not be factored in, giving him a total of 10 Points.

For Keisha, she manages 9 Friendship Points... She hasn't had any romances yet, so no points there. For Alliances, Keisha doesn't have any alliances.. Once again, no points there. And because her Charisma will not be factored into this score, she comes out with a total of 9 Points. I think we all know what that means..

By a score of 10 to 9... Keisha is the 4th person evicted from the Big Brother house. This double eviction really screwed her over. That conflict roll this week to fight with Yusun sealed her fate and now she will have to compete in the Battle Back for a chance back in. Can Keisha get redemption?! We're about to find out.. The Battle Back is up next!!



For the Battle Back we are putting their mental prowess to the test. In this Logic Tester Competition, they will go head to head to see who has the higher skill in three categories... Logic, Rocket Science & Programming. Each Round will be randomized to see which skill they will be putting to the test to make it fair for everyone. Their opponents will also be randomized until only 1 sim remains. Who do you think is going to return to the game?!

In Round 1 it comes down to Logic... Reed has a Logic of 3 and Isabella has a Logic of 10, meaning Isabella moves on to the final round! Reed is officially eliminated from Big Brother Season 8 and will not be in the jury.

In Round 2, they test their Programming Skill. With Keisha's Programming at a 9 and Alisha's at a 4, Alisha is eliminated and Keisha moves on. This means Alisha will not be returning and is officially eliminated from Big Brother Season 8, no Jury for her either.

After Keisha and Isabella tie on their Rocket Science Skill, it comes down to Logic. With Isabella having 10 Logic and Keisha only having 3, Isabella wins and returns to the game!! Sadly, that means Keisha's time in Big Brother Season 8 is over, and she will no longer be a part of the season or the jury. Sad to see her go, I liked Keisha a lot.

Isabella struts her way back into the game, and the other houseguests are shook. This is the last person they wanted back in here.. She is a mental and physical threat and I think she's going to have a serious struggle if she wants to make it to the end of this game. Good luck to you Isabella, you're going to need it!

And with that, Part 3 is finished!! I hope you enjoyed the drama, let me know your spoiler free thoughts on Twitter or DM me if you want to comment on the results, per usual! I'm going to try and do a rotation a day if possible, but if not, expect a new episode every other day, at least. This season is so much fun and I'm happy I'm back to playing again! Thanks for all the support guys!


  1. Isabella has OP Skills having such high Logic, Fitness and Charisma. The house guests were smart to evict her early, very unfortunate she won her way back in.

    1. I know! I randomized all the skills for this season, but next Season I am working on making the skills much more balanced and fair! All the sims will have strengths and weaknesses based on their backgrounds.
