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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Friday, July 20, 2018

Malcolm Turpin Biography

Malcolm Turpin
Age: 31
Occupation: Music Teacher
Pet Peeve: Loud Students
Hobbies: Napping, Listening to Music, Lounging
HollieBB Parents: Jessie & Luke
Traits: Jealous, Lazy, Music Lover, Perfectionist, Creative, Slob

Biography: Luke is the alternate universe son of Jessie and Luke, from Season 3 and Season 1 of HollieBB Big Brother. These two are a special pair, they connected on a BB Meetup and had some "fun". It resulted in Jessie becoming pregnant even though she had a husband at home. She never told her husband about this encounter and raised Malcolm as her husbands child. Luckily for her, Malcolm takes after her a lot... The blonde hair did throw her husband off a bit, he just thinks it's a miracle. Malcolm has never met Luke, he doesn't even know he's his father. Malcolm loves music, but due to his laziness he gained from his biological father, he settled  on  teaching  kids  instead  of 
pursuing bigger dreams.

CC Links:
No CC on Malcolm


Gameplay Analysis/Statistics: Malcolm was an early game front runner in Season 8. he seemed to have everyone wrapped around his finger with his social game. Between Malcolm and Raj, they masterminded The Core Alliance that dominated the majority of the game. But as the game progressed, the people on the outside of that alliance were starting to win power, and they knew if they wanted to win the game, they had to break up that alliance. With a shocking Double HoH Twist on Week 7, the Core Alliance was shaken when Isabella and Quentin won, they were the two sims completely on the outs with them. Isabella was ready to make a big move, and made the biggest one of the season when she secured the Veto for herself and backdoored Raj, pulling Quentin's nominee Paola off the block, to ensure a leader of the Core Alliance went home. After that, Raj knew he had to pull out the big guns and completely turned on his main ally, Malcolm, and threw him to the wolves. Malcolm's game was blown up and he was abandoned... They chose to keep Raj and the biggest player in the game at that time was sent packing. Malcolm was an incredible player, but Raj got him good. I would LOVE to see Malcolm again, watching him play was so entertaining to watch. I think it's pretty telling that the person to actually noticed how big of a threat he was and got him out of the game is the person that won the whole thing. Malcolm was a massive threat, he finished in 8th Place.

Season: 8
HoH Wins: 0
Veto Wins: 0
Times Nominated: 1
Week Eliminated: Week 7
Final Placement: 8th

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