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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Veronica Moss Biography

Veronica Moss
Age: 23
Occupation: Escort
Pet Peeve: Being Cheated Out Of Money
Hobbies: Dancing, Luxury Vacations, Making Money
Traits: Outgoing, Materialistic, Romantic

Biography: Veronica has always loved attention. She's known since High School that she has a power over men that she needed to take advantage of. A former Stripper turned Escort, Veronica has moved up in the world. Now that she's more established, she doesn't have to do the skeezy things she used to, to get by. She's happy with her career choice, and if people don't like it, she really doesn't care. She's going to play Big Brother just like she performs her everyday life, make everyone fall in love with her.

CC Links:


Gameplay Analysis/Statistics: Veronica didn't have the best experience in Season 3. With Chari as the first HoH, her goal was to eliminate all the other girls from the game. Veronica and Chari clashed very early on, so it was pretty clear she was going to be a target. Whether it be jealousy or fear, I think she was threatened by Veronica's potential social game and ability to manipulate the men in the house. Chari's strategy was very similar, so Veronica was a serious threat to her game and she needed to go. Chari pushed hard for her eviction Week 1, and got what she wanted. With the house not really familiar with anyone, they just went along with the HoH's wishes. Had the HoH been different Week 1, I don't think Veronica would've went out that early, but that's just how the game goes. She could potentially be given a 2nd Chance at some point.

Season: Season 3
HoH Wins: 0
Veto Wins: 0
Times Nominated: 1
Week Eliminated: Week 1
Final Placement: 12th

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