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Evrys Sims Big Brother (US)

*Updated 6/1/19- Guys I apologize if you prefer this version of Big Brother, but I've decided to put it on hiatus indefinitely. If yo...

Friday, November 9, 2018

Sims 4 Big Brother UK Season 1 Part 8 (Week 4 Nominations/Live Eviction)

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*PART 8*

Previously on Big Brother UK... Newbie Lee was quickly becoming a fan favorite, and the sims who were in the house before him were feeling a little threatened by it.

Whitley was moving on from her crushmance with Emmett, and sealed the deal with newcomer Jay. These two really hit it off quick.

When teams were selected for the Weekly Task, Alayna and August were not selected and were forced to work together. Their tumultuous relationship was put to the test.

In the first Immunity Competition of the week, Alayna came out victorious with no help from her "teammate" August, and managed to get immunity for herself and the snake. Clearly she was having mixed feelings about this win, because now she had to spend another week in the house with her biggest enemy.

And after the first immunity competition where Robert and Raheem were subject to early targeting, in which put them both out of the competition back to back... Robert was having second thoughts about settling down in the house. It clearly was putting a target on his back and he broke it off. Robert wanted his next couple of weeks with safety to strengthen his place in the house.... Raheem was left devastated and foolish after giving Robert the benefit of the doubt, and being let down like everyone told him he would be...


It's competition time!! There are 2 more teams that will be granted safety before nominations, and three of the remaining six will be facing the Public Vote!

The tension between Louise and Jen reaches all new highs as a cat fight breaks out over Jen's slanderous comments toward her early in the week.

And the 6th Sim to be evicted is announced!!... All this an more, right now, on Big Brother UK!!

Following Robert's shocking break up with Raheem, it seems he's already in high spirits. Does he not realize the fans are going to look negatively this kind of manipulation? He better hope he can turn his game around in the next couple of weeks because right now, he looks like the BIGGEST jerk.

Raheem really struggles to process what just happened and spends some time alone in the living room. He really liked Robert, but it seems he was being manipulated the entire time. He can't believe he gave his 3 week immunity to that asshole.


Jen's quirky love of plant life as the highest level Gardener in the house really tickles the funny bone of the entire house. She gains +20 Friendship with everyone and the fans enjoy it as well, so she gains +2 IP also.

The smarty pants sims of the house are showing an air of superiority with the rest of the house, and it's rubbing them the wrong way. They all lose -10 Friendship with the house, including each other. However, because Cesar has the highest Charisma + Logic of the bunch, he gains support from the fans and +2 IP.

Intellectuals Bond: The three sims with the highest Logic bond over their superior intelligence and gain +30 Friendship with each other. Because Brooklynn did not get high enough to enter a bond with either of the two, and Alayna/Cesar are already bonded, no bond is formed.

Brooklynn really wants to try and cheer up Raheem after his terrible night with some funny interactions. She gets a snicker but not much else. It's not going to be a good day for Raheem, he's already a gloomy sim, so that makes it even worse.



It's now time for the 2nd Immunity Competition of the week! Because Alayna and August were already granted immunity, they will not be competing. The sim that stands in the room the longest will not only gain immunity for their self but also for their duo partner. These are the Results: Jay, Cason, Whitley are the first to give up not long into the challenge ... While putting up a good fight, it seemed Louise and Raheem were not budging and Brooklynn and Robert bowed out... Louise and Raheem both feel like they have a lot to lose this week and are not willing to budge..

Louise gives in after about 4 hrs after realizing that Raheem's resilience is rock solid...

Raheem gains immunity for himself!! Knowing that Robert probably has no intention of saving him after their breakup, he felt a need to win it for himself.

Since Robert already has immunity for two more weeks, Raheem felt he wouldn't even try in the competitions to save him. This win didn't effect Robert at all.



Because of the time crunch and a need to do nominations right after the immunity comps, the 3rd Comp comes right after the 2nd. It's time for some Bowled Over! The teams were split in half so they wouldn't have to compete against their teammate. The two groups of four will face off, and the winners will go head to head to earn immunity for their self and their partner. The two groups are randomized to be Cason vs Whitley vs Louise vs Brooklynn, and Jay vs Lee vs Cesar vs Jen...

Not long into the first round, Lee gives up... I guess he's not worried about the eviction... Quite confident of him to risk facing the vote... I feel sorry for Whitley, he's not even trying to help her... This was very self centered of him.

The winner of the first group is Cason!! He will be facing off against the winner from the other side to determine the final duo to be safe from eviction. Currently August/Alayna/Raheem/Robert are safe!!...

The winner of the 2nd Group is Jay!! Because Lee gave up, it really thinned out the competition... So now it comes down to Cason vs Jay.

It's now time for the final round... Either Cason and Cesar will be safe, or Jay and Louise will be safe!! Who do you think is going to win?!

Jay put up a great fight, but Cason is a much better bowler! What can't this guy do?! Cason manages to gain immunity from nominations as well as his best friend, Cesar!

This immunity really helped Cesar this week. He came close to leaving in the last eviction, and this couldn't have come at a better time for him. Cason really looks out for his bro, and this is the best thing he could do for him.



After a long day of immunity competitions, we jump right into the nominations for the week. This week the three sims with the most nominations will be facing the public vote. If there is a tie, all the tied sims will be facing the vote. Because of the immunity competitions, six sims will be immune from nominations... These sims are Robert/Raheem/Alayna/August/Cason/Cesar... Everyone else is eligible for nominations... With August and Cesar not eligible for nominations, this could get very interesting... Let's find out how everyone voted!

Whitley's first nomination is for Louise... Louise is kind of a mean girl, she surrounds herself with other sims that stir up and cause drama in the house for Camera Time and she doesn't agree with it. She says they just don't get along... Whitley's second nomination is for Lee... She was teamed with Lee this week and felt like he wasn't pulling his weight. She feels like she may not be the best at competition but at least she tried... She heard about him giving up in the Bowling Competition and napping on the bench, and she's not happy about it.

Raheem's first nomination is for Louise... He feels like all she cares about in this house is camera time, she's willing to align herself with the bad crowd to make sure she gets in front of the cameras and he doesn't feel like she tries to make genuine connections with people in the house.. Raheem's second nomination is for Lee... Raheem feels like Lee 

Robert's first nomination is for Lee... He feels like Lee has really made himself at home way quicker than he should've, it's kind of disrespectful to the people who've been here for weeks before him. His second nominations is for Jay.. Jay is very self obsessed and it rubs Robert the wrong way. Every time they have a conversation, it feels like Jay is trying to position himself to look at his reflection in the mirror. Not a very attractive quality in a person.

August's first nomination is for Lee... He comes into this house, puffing out his chest like he owns the place... August has news for him, he doesn't own this house, not by a long shot and his cockiness is going to put him on his ass sooner than he thinks... August's second nomination is obviously for Louise.. Last week, he felt like his "best friend" Louise was being shady and forming bonds behind his back to secure her safety while doing nothing to include him and watch his back.. He doesn't feel like that's how a best friend should act and she showed her true colors.

Cason's first nomination is for Brooklynn... He feels like she's the one person in the house he can't talk to. She's constantly moody and complaining about something in the house. He feels like she's not very approachable and wouldn't really miss her if she wasn't in the house. His second nomination is for Louise (even after they just woohooed lol). Cason feels like he was used the other night when he hooked up with Louise... After thinking on it, he feels like he was used for Camera Time to back track after being called out by Jen.. She had to do something to make up for it, right?

Louise's first nomination is for Brooklynn. Brooklynn has made it very clear since week 1 that she isn't a fan of Louise, and she's never made any effort to work things out with her. Louise feels like Brooklynn is a very cold individual and even if she tried, Brooklynn would never let her in. Her second nomination is for Jay... Jay hasn't made any effort to talk to Louise, he's always off with his clique and has no interest talking to anyone outside of that... She think's he's social climbing with the most likable housemates to try and further his game.

Cesar's first nomination is Jay... Jay hasn't showed any interest in talking to a lot of people in the house. He spends a lot of time checking himself out in the mirror or spending time with Whitley... Because of their lack of connection, he can't see himself nominating anyone else over him.. Cesar's second nomination is for Lee... Lee has really made his presence known in the house and not in the best way.. Instead of building his fan base like a good guy, he's resorted to fighting and causing drama for camera time, and clearly they have enough of those in the house already.

Jen's first nomination is for Brooklynn... Because she hasn't had a lot of time to get to know the people in the house, she's judging off of last week when Brooklynn ruined her first week by putting them on Basic Rations for talking about nominations.. It was a very tough week for her... Her second nomination is for Lee... Lee hasn't really shown loyalty to the newbies, he's already pushed to make connections with the originals and left her and Jay out to dry... She doesn't feel like he ever intended on sticking with them, so she's over it.

Jay's first nomination is for Brooklynn.... Last week she forced the house into Basic Rations and that wasn't a good way to start his experience in the house. He feels like she didn't really go out of her way to apologize either.. His second nomination is for Lee... Lee has kind of abandoned himself and Jen for people who've been in the house.. He wasted no time integrating himself and he doesn't feel like he cares that himself and Jen are on the outs..

Brooklynn's first nomination is for Jay... Brooklynn feels like Jay has never spent any time getting to know her... Considering he is new, he should be making more effort if he wants to avoid being nominated... Brooklynn's second nomination is for Louise... Louise doesn't like her, ever since the house split between herself and Makayla. She feels like Louise has always resented her for that and won't let it go..

Lee's first nomination is for Brooklynn... Much like the other two newbies, he didn't appreciate being on Basic Rations for his first week in the house. Since this was all because of Brooklynn talking about nominations, he didn't really feel like she apologized for it... Lee's second nomination is for Jay... He feels like himself and Jay were on track to becoming friends when they entered the house, but something changed a few days in and he didn't really seem to want anything to do with Lee anymore. Lee doesn't feel like Jay likes him for some reason, and believes he will be nominating him this week, so better safe than sorry..

Alayna's first nomination is for Louise... Louise has been a part of the clique that has tried to ruin her game the entire season. Because of her alignment with people that hate Alayna, she feels it's best she keeps her distance. Her 2nd nomination is for Brooklynn... Alayna feels like she doesn't try at all to get to know people in the house. She spends all of her time moaning and complaining and doesn't embrace the experience the way others do.

Jen received 0 Nominations and is therefore safe this week...

Whitley also received 0 Nominations and will be safe this week..


This week's nominations have come to a close and the housemates are gathered in the living room for the results... This week only 3 were supposed to face the public vote but we have a tie for the 3rd spot... The housemates facing eviction this week, in no particular order, are........

Lee...... and............

Brooklynn....... and.........


The sim receiving the most votes this week was Lee with a whopping 7 votes... Louise and Brooklynn were tied for the 2nd place spot at 6 votes each which means Jay narrowly escapes the public vote with 5.



Louise feels like it's best for her not to fly off the handle today and start any drama. She lays low. No Conflict Added.

Lee has a heart to heart with Brooklynn. They share their insecurities about facing the Public Vote this week and gain +20 Friendship with each other.

After being put on the block together, Louise and Brooklynn start to mend fences and throw their frustration on newcomer Jen. They feel like she's talking behind their backs and could be the reason they are both up this week. After a very busy day of action, the sims are exhausted and head to bed, not much else happens on Day 3.


The next morning Cesar is in a celebratory mood and enjoys an early morning drink. Avoiding the vote this week due to his immunity was a blessing for him, and he's very happy that his Best Friend saved him.

Robert is feeling the heat for some of the things he's done in the house, and people don't like the way he's been playing the game. No one has really been talking to him this week.


Knowledgeable: These sims know their favorite topics and share a lot of insight on them. Brooklynn/Lee/Robert/Louise all gain +10 Friendship with the house. Robert also manages to gain 100 Friendship with Jen who he's been working on since she got in the house, and they become "Best Friends". This gives them a +3 Bonus to IP.

As the sim in the group who's most articulate and good at getting her point across, Brooklynn gain an additional +2 IP.

Laziness: These sims aren't doing a lot to contribute to the house and they lose -10 Friendship with everyone. This includes Whitley/Raheem/Alayna/Robert/Louise/Lee.

The fans overlook Louise's laziness for her contributions to the show as a hot mess. She gains +2 IP regardless of her laziness.

A New Rivalry Forms: Robert and Jay become rivals... Jay doesn't cause a lot of commotion in the house, but when it comes to Robert, he just really triggers him in the wrong way. These two despise each other but they see the benefit of using it to play up to the cameras. They gain an unbreakable bond worth a bonus of +2 to IP, BUT can still nominate each other. This bond will only break if a "Bond Break" is rolled and it lands on it.

It seems Robert has set his eyes on the newbies now. He's manipulated Jen as his new best friend and now is using Jay to further himself in the game. He really will stop at nothing to advance his game, he is a true villain.

Jen really knows how to get cameras on her, and gets a whim to flirt with August?! Clearly this has to be some ploy for the camera's right? First of all she's married (even though it's an open relationship), Second of all, August is known to turn on anyone close to him, so what is her plan here?!


Alayna made Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese for the house... She gains +10 Friendship with her housemates for her good deed.


After witnessing Jen's attempt to sway Louise's ex best friend after saying horrible things about her, it triggered something in her she couldn't control anymore. An argument erupts in the bathroom between the two girls and the insults are not nice.

The argument continues on into the kitchen and a fight erupts between the two!!

Sadly for Louise, her plan to get Jen back didn't pay off, and Jen wins the fight. She wasn't kidding when she said she's not some spoiled rich girl who's never been in a fight before, she can handle herself. Jen gains +2 IP for winning the fight, and Louise loses -2 IP.

Brooklynn sees this as an opportunity to kick Jen while she's down and tries to bring her down..

She continues the assault that Louise started on Jen... Was this all planned in an attempt to make Jen look bad to the public?

Unimpressed by her bullying ways, the Public do not side with Brooklynn and she loses -4 IP for her poorly timed attempt to take down Jen. Ganging up on someone is not the way to win fans in this game... Jen surprisingly gets away unscathed in this assault and maintains the backing of the fans.

Lee finally takes an opportunity to sit down with Whitley and apologize for his lack of effort in the Immunity Competitions. He says he's happy she didn't go on the block and he's glad it's him instead. She hears him out and the conversation goes well. They gain +20 Friendship.



After the huge blow up between Louise and Jen, Louise is called to the diary room. She's expecting Big Brother to be mad at her but they tell her they want to give her a secret task. Earlier in the season, Bethany was not able to complete it and they want to give Louise the opportunity to do it. (She was picked randomly for this task btw.)

Before her is two unappetizing dishes and a nasty drink that will be hard to swallow. With the Grody Lot Trait on, Louise will need to finish all three items to pass this secret task. Winning the task will grant her +3 IP, and losing will cost her -3 IP.. Do you think she can do it?!

Louise has lost a lot this week and goes right in, she doesn't want to go home this week.

She manages to finish the first plate and goes right into the second one. She is starting to feel it, but she pushes through..

Two plates down, all that is left is the drink.... Can she do what Bethany was not able to and pass this task?!

She does it! Louise's resilience in this task gains her respect from the fans, and she earns +3 IP.

The house is gathered and the results are shared. Big Brother explains that the task was successful and they will all be awarded.

Everyone in the house is proud of Louise for pushing through and she also gains +20 Friendship with her housemates!



It is now time to find out who will be the 6th Person evicted from the Big Brother UK House.. Tonight....

Either Brooklynn.....


Or Louise will be evicted from the Big Brother House...... It's time to talk to the house...

Big Brother House, since Monday the viewers have been voting to save..... I can now reveal the houseguest with the most votes and therefore safe from tonight's eviction is........

LOUISE!!!!..... Congratulations Louise, You ARE SAFE!!!....... Now it's time to find out who's going home....


Lee........ I can now reveal the person with the fewest votes and therefore the 6th Person to be evicted from the Big Brother House is.....................................................

BROOKLYNN!!!! I'm sorry Brooklynn, you have been evicted from the Big Brother UK House.... You have 30 Seconds to say your goodbyes...

That was too close for comfort for Lee, he's been on a high since he got here and this eviction was really a reality check for him... He really felt the heat of the block.

Brooklynn hugs everyone and makes her way up the stairs...

Brooklynn leaves the house to a mixed reaction and is escorted to the Interview Room. The first question she's asked is "How does it feel to be out?". Brooklynn is honest, and says she's happy to be out. She says there are a lot of crazy people in there that are hungry for attention and it gets tiresome after a while.. The host asks if she wants to name any names and she says "I think you know who I'm referring to"... The next question leads into that... She's asked about her fight with Jen today and her fight with Lee last week. "What was it about these newbies that was getting under skin? You seemed to keep her cool for most of the season, but this week, it was like another side of you came out".. She says that Lee wasn't welcoming. He waltzed right into the house like it was his and had no regard for the people who've already been in there for two weeks... And as for Jen, she says that girl will do anything for attention, and would throw anyone under the bus for air time... She says "You think August is a snake? I'm sure Jen will be showing her true colors very soon.."... She's asked about the allegations Jen made about Louise and her Boyfriend on the outside... Brooklynn said that she doesn't like Louise personally, but what Jen did was uncalled for and she had it coming to her this week. Moving on, she's asked about being labeled "The Least Deserving" Housemate... "How did that feel?"... She responds "It hurt... a lot... It's hard to hear your peers tell you that you don't deserve something you worked so hard for..". She's told that she was a deserving housemate and we were happy to have her... The crowd cheers in response. She's finally asked who she thinks should win the show and she chooses Whitley... (Whitley is such a hit with the evictees... She's never been nominated and is racking up Influence Points just from the evictees pleading her case.) Whitley gains +2 Influence Points...





*And there we have it, another week down!!! I hope you guys are enjoying this series.. I had a lot of fun making the challenge and playing it out. If you have any questions of comments, hit me up on Twitter! I'd love to hear from you... Part 9 is coming soon!!*


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